Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Roman Pontifical, 430
Roman Psalter, 126
romance, 36–37, 220, 267, 510, 811–12, 916
Romances of Antiquity. See Antiquity, Romances of
Romanesque architecture, 813–16, 815
Romanesque art, 816–19
Romanesque sculpture, 819–21
Rome, Council of, 286
Romulus, 331
Roncevaux, 78, 91, 381
rondeau, 287, 361, 438, 575, 821
Ronsasvals, 809
roofing, 622
Roosebeke, Battle of, 73, 730
rosary, 496, 597, 751
Roscelin, 2, 977
Rose, Roman de la
annotations in manuscripts, 822
and antifeminism, 48
cited by Nicole de Margival, 587
and Gautier Le Leu, 387
as influence on Gilles Li Muisis, 543
and Grands Rhétoriqueurs, 412
of Guillaume de Lorris, 268, 426, 488, 524, 744, 812
illuminated manuscripts of, 822
influence on Liber Fortunae, 543
as inspiration for Fauvel, 339
as inspiration for Tesorreto, 152
of Jean de Meun, 223, 295, 426, 457, 488
literary influence of, 822–23
literary responses to, 822
Quarrel of the, 387, 535, 773–74, 821
remaniement of, 423, 822
rubrics in manuscripts, 822
similarities to Échecs amoureux, 312
use of miniatures in manuscripts, 822
rotrouenge, 823, 932
Rouen, 301, 313, 364, 460, 742, 823–25, 890
Rouergue, 503, 518, 808, 825
round dance, 287–88, 289
Round Table, 196, 267, 970
Roussillon, 65, 317
routiers, 38, 93, 145, 186, 200, 202, 421, 422, 465, 466, 657, 972
royal administration and finance, 312, 825–27
royal army. See army, royal
royal chancery, 320
royal court, 244, 603
royal domain, 827–28
royal entries. See entries, royal
royal estates and revenues, 603
royal forests, 179.
See also forests

Index 2005
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