Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

royal household, 194–95, 363, 411, 459, 532, 603, 826, 870
royal justice, 179, 273
royal mint. See mints
royal sovereignty:
and phenomenon of private war, 760
regalian powers of, 785
royal taxes. See taxes, royal
Royaumont, 226, 402, 828
Royllart, 307, 478
Royllart, Philippe, 247
rubble wall construction, 257
rubelle (musical instrument), 648
Rudimentum noviciorum, 331
Rule for Canons (Chrodegang of Metz), 224
Rule for Virgins (Caesarius of Arles), 627
Rule of 1221. See Regula secunda
Rule of Columbanus, influence on monasticism, 628
Rule of Knights Templar, 112
Rule of St. Augustine, 81, 300, 757, 787, 848
Rule of St. Benedict, 108, 109, 164, 179, 239, 270, 299, 578, 627, 628, 654, 834
Rule of St. Francis, 419
Rule of the Master, 108, 627
Rules of the Holy Fathers, 298
Rupert of Deutz, 47, 553
rural estates, 758
rural expansion (grands défrichements), 291
rural social structure, 828–30
Rustebeuf qui rudement œvre (Rutebeuf), 831
Rutebeuf, 333, 377, 437, 541, 595, 624, 743, 753, 794, 830–31, 931
rye, 234
Sacramentale (Guillaume de Montlauzun), 538
sacramentaries, 174, 382, 553, 584, 851
Sacramentarium (Honorius of Autun), 553
sacraments, 446–47, 448, 553.
See also under specific sacraments
sacred history, portrayed in mystery plays, 652
sacring, 252
Sacristain et la femme au chevalier (Rutebeuf), 830
saddles, 184, 973
Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher, 834
Saint Alexis, Vie de, 624, 833
St. Anthony’s Fire, 610
Saint-Bénigne, 240, 258, 296, 643, 682
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, 391, 435, 547, 627, 742, 834–35.
See also Fleury
Saint-Bernard pass, 919
Saint-Chef, 835–36
Saint-Claire-sur-Epte, Treaty of, 100
Saint-Denis, abbey and church of, 836–38
burial of kings at, 897
Carolingian art of, 173
choir of, 258

Index 2006
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