and Peter Lombard, 722
and Rule of St. Augustine, 81
and Thomas Gallus, 911
and William of Champeaux, 863, 977
Saint voyage de Jherusalem du
seigneur d’Anglure (Ogier d’Anglure), 38
Saint-Wandrille, 849
Sainte-Chapelle of Paris, 259, 262
choir of, 248
Gothic architecture of, 402, 404, 406, 407
Marian relics at, 743
Passion relics, at 790
Rayonnant style of, 704
reliquary of, 749
stained glass of, 890, 892
Sainte Elysabel (Rutebeuf), 830
Sainte Eulalie, Séquence de, 850
Sainte Foy, Chanson de, 850, 948
Sainte Marie l’Egyptienne (Rutebeuf), 830
Saintes, 850
Saintes, Treaty of, 850
Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, 850–51
cult of, 423, 433, 594, 595, 739, 851–55
and hagiography, 433–37.
See also hagiography;
saints’ lives
in liturgy, 851
as motivation for pilgrimages, 740
prayers to, 584
shrines of, 852
See also under specific saints
saints’ lives, 37, 142, 371, 407, 433, 501, 595, 623, 652, 737, 833, 850, 855–56, 877.
See also hagiography
Salade (Antoine de la Sale), 514
Saladin, 274, 276, 279
Salian Franks. See Franks, Salian
Salic Law, 239, 533, 856–57, 946, 975
Salisbury Breviary (Bedford Master), 106
Sallust, 342, 921
Salomon, 148
salt, 360, 379, 604
salt tax, 360, 379
Salu d’amours (Philippe de Beaumanoir), 104
salut d’amor, 857
Saluts to the Virgin, 327, 753
Salve Regina, 299, 327, 589, 597
samite silk, 237
Samson de Nanteuil, 37, 127
Samuel ben Meir, 124
Sancti Bernardi vita prima (William of Saint-Thierry), 978
sanctoral cycle (sanctorale), 163, 555
Index 2008