Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Sanctus, 415, 600, 753
sandals, 237
sanitation, 439, 752
Santiago de Compostela, 81, 84, 543, 625, 740, 742, 749, 816, 914
sargenes, 238
Sarlat, 857
Sarrasin, 916
Sarthe. See Le Mans
satire, 338, 339, 585, 715, 794, 881
Saulieu, 857
Saumur, 857–58
Sauter en fraunceys, 127
sauvegarde, 858
sauvetés, 958.
See also villeneuve
Savoy, 858
sayon, 236
Scala claustralum (Guigo II), 654
Scalacronica (Thomas Gray of Heton), 36
Schism, Great, 141, 202, 249, 271, 286, 382, 391, 399, 444, 858–60, 896
schizophrenia, 202.
See also mental health
schola cantorum, 600
scholasticism, 393, 735, 736, 860
cathedral, 2, 46, 59, 417, 439, 547, 644, 860–62, 939
in France, 939
monastic, 2, 313, 629, 862–63, 939
most influential, 313
municipal lay, 313
of 12th century, 452–53
See also cathedral schools and under specific schools
science, 19, 25, 59, 384, 444, 472, 601, 863–65, 961, 978
scientific method, 390, 864
scientific treatises, 1, 684, 732, 863–65
Scito te ipsum (Peter Abélard), 2
Scolica enchiriadis, 646
scribes, 583, 691, 973
scrofula, 165, 728, 865
Gothic, 405–7
Romanesque, 819–21
sea fishery. See fishing
seals and sigillography, 188, 244, 510, 865–68
Second Continuation, 274, 410, 717, 718
Secré des secrés (Peter of Peckham), 38
secretum secretorum, 494
secular canons, 786
secular dance, 288, 289
secular monophony, 650
secular songs, 680
Sederunt principes (Pérotin), 720

Index 2009
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