Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Sées, 868
Sefer HaBerit (Joseph Kimchi), 125
Sefer HaGan (Aaron ben Yossi Ha-Cohen), 125
Sefer ha-madda, 579
Sefer Mikhlol (David Kimchi), 125
seigneur/seigneurie, 12, 244, 273, 281, 868–69, 899
Seinte Resureccion, 869, 887, 905
Séjour d’Honneur (Octavien de Saint-Gelays), 839
Séléstat, 869
Selles-sur-Cher, 257
semiliturgical drama, 493
Semi-Pelagianism, 180
Sénanque, 226, 869–70
Seneca, 121, 294, 922
sénéchaussée, 93, 870, 877
seneschal, 256, 283, 383, 758, 825, 870
Senlis, 400, 405, 596, 870–71
Sens, 157, 189, 192, 259, 387, 400, 545, 736, 872–73
Sens, Council of, 112, 290, 449
sentence collections, 393, 874
Sententiae (Peter Lombard), 24, 53–54, 122, 134, 308, 394, 413, 463, 474, 722, 723, 874.
See also Quattuor libri
Sententiae (Robert of Melun), 806
Sententiae (Robert Pullen), 874
Sententiae (Rolando Bandinelli), 874
Sententiae Anselmi (Anselm of Laon), 46, 874
Sententiae Atrebatensis, 874
Sententiae divinae paginae (Anselm of Laon), 874
Sententiarum libri VIII (Robert Pullen), 807
Sententiarum libri quinque (Peter of Poitiers), 724
Sept Sages de Rome, Roman des, 110, 878
Septimania, 400, 518, 874–75, 964
early, 875
late, 875–76
liturgical, 6, 599
number composed during Middle Ages, 468
written as rhythmic poetry, 875
Séquence de sainte Eulalie, 371, 435, 855, 948
serfdom, 9, 360, 456, 587, 876–77
serge fabric, 237
sergeant, 877
Serlo of Bayeux, 527
Serlo of Wilton, 527
Sermon de saint Billouard (Jean Molinet), 878
Sermon de saint Jambon et sainte Andouille, 877
Sermon pour une nopce (Roger de Collerye), 878
Sermones ad status. See Sermones vulgares (Jacques de Vitry)
Sermones communes et feriales (Jacques de Vitry), 484
Sermones de sanctis (Jacques de Vitry), 484
Sermones dominicales (de tempore) (Jacques de Vitry), 484

Index 2010
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