Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Sicilian Vespers, 43, 199, 880
sidelocks, 237
Sidonius Apollinaris, 257, 734, 889
Sidrac, Roman de, 472, 880
Siège de Barbastre (Adenet le Roi), 8, 429
sieges, 76, 972
Sigebert de Gembloux, 452, 554, 805, 880–81
Siger de Brabant, 60, 63, 326, 449, 881
Sigibert I, 152, 217, 370, 612, 615–16
Sigibert III, 286
sigillography. See seals and sigillography
silk, 237, 905, 919
Silvacane, 881
simbales, 647
Simon I (duke of Lorraine), 561
Simon I (of Montfort), 117
Simon de Freine, 37, 537, 920
Simon de Lille, 537
Simon IV de Montfort, 22, 171, 354, 474, 520, 633, 642, 665, 695–96, 841
Simon du Val, 881
Simon de Pouille, 507
simony, 278, 377, 418, 539
singing, 164, 298, 299, 415, 468, 643, 646
sirventes, 186, 294, 715, 881–82, 903, 930, 949
Sixtus IV, 251, 473
slavery, 9, 607, 829, 876.
See also serfdom
Sluter, Claus, 296, 407, 882
Sluys, Battle of, 660, 729
smock, 236
snood cap, 236
soap, 439
social history, fabliaux as, 333
social orders, 324.
See also estates of society
social satire. See satire
society, tripartite division of, 828
sodomy, 273, 457, 458
Soissons, 386, 402, 463, 596, 736, 743, 882–83
Soissons Gospels, 174
sol (coin), 281
Solage, 73, 247
Solignac, 883
Solomon ben Isaac. See Rashi
Somme le roi (Laurent d’Orléans), 458, 530, 543, 637
Somme rurale (Jean Boutillier), 283
Sommetta (Brunetto Latini), 151
Somnium Scipionis, 575–76, 744
Somnium super materia schismatis (Honoré Bouvet), 141
Somnium viridarii, 883, 926.
See also Songe du vergier
Sone de Nausay, 472, 883

Index 2012
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