tapissiers de la haute lisse, 901
tapissiers notrez, 901
tapissiers sarazinois, 901
Tarascon, 294
Tard-Venus, 93
Tart, 675
Tartas, 513
Tassilo (duke of Bavaria), 456
taverns, 980
in Champagne, 192, 193, 344
on clergy, 13, 231
collection of, 228, 244, 324, 785, 827
as coutumes, 270
criticized by Nicole Oresme, 202
and customs duties, 282
and decline of ecclesiastical estates, 786
direct, 899
during Hundred Years’ War, 317–18
established under Charles V the Wise, 202, 466
on exports, 282
as feudal aid, 342
“fifth penny” or quint, 343
fouage, 36, 499
and généraux, 389
hearth, 361.
See also fouage
indirect, 13
mainmorte, 579–80
marriage, 580
nobles exempted from, 761
papal, 753
proclaimed by Louis, duke of Orléans, 564
required for campaign of Nájera, 315
revolts against, 315, 799
role of aides, 342
role of Estates General in establishing, 200, 218, 280, 323, 324, 585–86, 729
royal, 94, 204, 323, 342, 361, 761, 786, 899
salt, 13, 360, 379
and taille, 580, 899
under authority of Cour des Aides, 190
under Louis II de Male, 563
wine, 13
Te Deum, 753
tefillin, 238
Templars, 88, 90, 112, 161, 169, 189, 230, 277, 339, 394, 457, 475, 534, 592, 668, 699, 728, 740,
902–3, 954
Temple d’honneur (Jean Froissart), 376
temporal cycle (temporale), 163, 555
Temps perdu (Pierre Chastellain), 213
Temps recouvré (Pierre Chastellain), 213
tenant farmers, 614.
Index 2016