See also métayer
tenso, 186, 903, 930
tenure, 185
Terence, 174, 839, 921
Terminorum musicae diffinitorium (Johannes Tinctoris), 912
Tertiaries (“Third Order”), 365
Tesoretto (Brunetto Latini), 151, 152
Testament (Francis of Assisi), 365, 419
Testament (François Villon), 4, 958
Testament de la mule Barbeau (Henri Baude), 98
Testament de l’âne (Rutebeuf), 830
Testament maistre Jehan de Meun, 488
testimony, as replacement for ordeals, 273
textbook production, 693
textiles, 151, 159, 279, 392, 720, 788, 823, 901, 903–5, 986, 989
theater, 454, 887, 905–6
theater, Latin, 906–7
Thebaid (Statius), 49
Thegan, 265, 451
Theodofrid, 530
Theodoric the Ostrogoth, 239
Theodulf of Orléans, 173, 176, 198, 257, 391, 528–29, 544, 548, 553, 685, 862, 907
Théologastres, 638
Theologia “Summi Boni” (Peter Abélard), 2
Theologica christiana (Peter Abélard), 2
theology, 907–8
categorization of, 863
and devotion to Mary, 595, 596
and doctrine of the Assumption, 597
and doctrine of Real Presence, 110, 908
eucharistic, 110, 327, 709, 781, 908
faculties of, 475, 939
gap between folklore and, 356
importance of Sententiae, 723
of indulgences, 463
influence of Aristotle on, 908
Islamic, 59
place of revelation in, 907
Platonist influences on, 575
popularization of, 601
relationship to logic, 735
relationship to philosophy, 59, 308–309, 881
requirements for degree in, 122
and scholasticism, 860
study of, 59, 302, 462, 938
at University of Paris, 122, 327, 399, 444, 545, 874, 908
See also under specific theologians
Theophilus, 595, 817–18, 889
theotokos, 595
Thesaurus pauperum (Pierre d’Espagne), 607
Theseus de Cologne, 285
Theudebert II, 152
Index 2017