Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

trobar leu style, 113, 396, 778, 930
trobar ric style, 69
Trois amoureux de la croix, 338
troops, professional, 972.
See also mercenaries
tropes, 468, 554, 601, 875
Ordinary, 928
Proper, 928–29
Trophimus of Arles (saint), 634, 852
troubadour poetry, 219–22, 252, 288, 551, 678, 687, 929–31
and crusade songs, 275
didactic poetry of, 294
and homosexuality, 457
partimen of, 495
rhythm in songs of, 797
role in organizing Consistòri de la Subregaya Companhia del Gai Saber, 542
secular repertory of, 651
songs as cantus versicularis, 421
and “trobairitz,” 927
use of gab, 379
See also under specific troubadours trouvère poetry, 219–22, 252, 931–33
and bestiary allusions, 119
and cantus versicularis, 421
cantus coronatus composed by, 165
and crusade songs, 275
jeux-partis of, 495
rhythm in songs of, 797
secular repertory of, 651
scarcity of women among, 927–28
See also under specific trouvères
Troyes, 192, 259, 402, 445, 455, 794, 933–34
Troyes, Council/Synod of, 112, 902
Troyes, Treaty of, 203, 443, 466, 477, 706, 731, 800, 934
Trubert (Douin de Lavesne), 304, 333
Truce of God, 24, 182, 278, 417, 934–35, 958.
See also Peace of God movement
Truce of Malestroit, 486
True Cross, as relic, 790
trumpets, 647, 651
tuberculosis, 865.
See also scrofula
Tuchins, 145, 171, 521, 914.
See also brigand/brigandage
tumors, treatment for, 606
tunic, 236, 238
two-field rotation, 12
Uc de Saint-Circ, 953
Uc Faidit, 930
Ugolino. See Gregory IX
Unam sanctam, 88, 135, 230, 394, 668, 937

Index 2021
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