Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Wenceslas of Luxembourg, 141, 143, 376, 571
Werchin, Jean de, 974–75
wergeld, 273, 975
wetnurses, 986
wheat, 234
Wheel of Fortune, 426
White Canons, 758
widows and widowhood, 94, 304, 675, 975
Wielant, Philippe, 154
Willame de Wadington, 975
See also Guilhem;
William (counts of Avesnes), 87
William (count of Holland), 142
William (earl of Salisbury), 142
William (kings of England):
William I the Conqueror, 102, 159, 345, 418, 441, 520, 670, 802, 814, 975–76
William II Rufus, 388, 441, 450, 670, 976
William VIII. See Guy-Geoffrey
William IX. See Guilhem IX
William I of Aquitaine, 239, 240
William V of Aquitaine, 56, 377, 460
William X of Aquitaine, 316–17
William of Auvergne, 60, 63, 576, 579, 730, 976–77
William of Auxerre, 554, 977
William of Blois, 906
William of Champeaux, 2, 46, 394, 736, 807, 848, 862, 863, 977
William Clito, 348, 441, 670
William of Conches, 59, 111, 211, 494, 500, 920, 977–78
William Longsword, 668, 798
William of Malmesbury, 970
William of Melitona, 24, 134
William of Moerbecke, 54, 63, 546, 863
William of Saint-Amour, 19, 53, 249, 365, 463, 831, 978
William of Saint-Thierry, 59, 436, 654, 978–88
William of Sens, 979
William of Tyre, 275, 902
William of Volpiano, 296, 435, 487, 643, 979
William I the Bad, 672
William II the Good, 672–73
Willibald of Stavelot, 397
wills, and inheritance, 531, 551
wimples, 236, 237
windmills, 622
wine, 119–20, 295, 980
wine trade, 350, 774, 980–81
Witasse le Moine, 981
witchcraft, 273, 779, 981–82
Wolfenbüttel chansonnier, 248
Wolfram von Eschenbach, 268
wolves, 466

Index 2027
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