Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Brunterch, Jean-Pierre. “Puissance temporelle et pouvoir diocésain des évêques de Nantes entre
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Delumeau, Jean, ed. Histoire de la Bretagne. Toulouse: Privat, 1969.
Fleuriot, Léon, and Pierre-Roland Giot. “Early Brittany.” Antiquity 51(1977):101–16.
Chédeville, André, and Hubert Guillotel. La Bretagne des saints et des rois, Ve-Xe siècles. Rennes:
Ouest-France, 1984.
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Ouest-France, 1987.
Davies, Wendy. Small Worlds: The Village Community in Early Medieval Brittany. London:
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Galliou, Patrick, and Michael C.E.Jones. The Bretons. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
Jones, Michael. Ducal Brittany 1364–1399: Relations with England and France During the Reign
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——. The Creation of Brittany: A Late Medieval State. London: Hambledon, 1988.
Kerhervé, Jean. L’état breton aux 14e et 15e siècles: les ducs, l’argent et les hommes. 2 vols. Paris:
Maloine, 1987.
La Borderie, Arthur de, and Barthélemy Pocquet. Histoire de Bretagne. 6 vols. Rennes: Plihon et
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Leguay, Jean-Pierre, and Hervé Martin. Fastes et malheurs de la Bretagne ducale, 1213–1532.
Rennes: Ouest-France, 1982.
Le Patourel, John. “Henri II Plantagenêt et la Bretagne.” Mémoires de la Société d’Histoire et
d’Archéologie de la Bretagne 58 (1981); repr. in his Feudal Empires Norman and Plantagenet.
London: Hambledon, 1984.
Lewis, Peter S. “Breton Estates.” In Essays in Later Medieval French History. London:
Hambledon, 1985, pp. 127–38.
Pocquet du Haut-Jussé, Barthélémy. “Le grand fief breton.” In Histoire des institutions françaises
au moyen âge, ed. Ferdinand Lot and Robert Fawtier. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France,
1957, Vol 1: Institutions seigneuriales, pp. 267–88.
Smith, Julia M.H. Province and Empire: Brittany and the Carolingians. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1992.


. The church of Brou (Ain), near Bourg-en-Bresse, was constructed by Marguerite of
Austria in fulfillment of a vow made by her mother-in-law, Marguerite de Bourbon. The
conventual buildings for the Augustinian community were erected between 1506 and
1512, with the church following between 1513 and 1523. Loys van Boghem, the Flemish
master mason, realized a design of spatial balance and clarity in the Latin-cross plan and
two-story elevation that is divided by a balustraded walkway at mid-height.

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