Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1
Cléry (Loiret), Notre-Dame, nave.

Photograph: Clarence Ward

Collection. Courtesy of Oberlin


Jarry, Eugène. “Cléry.” Congrès archéologique (Orléans) 93 (1930):302–21.
Jarry, Louis. Histoire de Cléry et de l’église collégiale et chapelle royale de Notre-Dame de Cléry.
Orléans: Herluison, 1899.
Sanfaçon, Roland. L’architecture flamboyante en France. Quebec: Presses de l’Université de
Laval, 1971.


. Though directly implicated in the rise or fall of some of the great civilizations of the
past, climate had only an indirect effect on public affairs in medieval France. Its primary
significance lay in the fact that it directly touched the lives of ordinary people. Despite
the reappearance of cities and urban life during the later Middle Ages, the vast majority

The Encyclopedia 441
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