Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Braun, Joseph. Das christliche Altargerät in seinem Sein und in seiner Entwicklung. Munich:
Hueber, 1932.
Jungmann, Josef. The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Development, trans. Francis
X.Brunner. 2 vols. New York: Benziger, 1951–55.


(Odo; ca. 857–898). King of the West Franks (r. 888–98). The first king of the Robertian
(Capetian) line, Eudes was the elder son of Robert le Fort, marquis of Neustria. Heroic
defender of Paris during the Norse siege of 885–86, he succeeded Hugues l’Abbé (d. 885)
as chief defender of Neustria. His prowess, the remoteness of the German Carolingian
Arnulf, and the extreme youth of the French Carolingian heir apparent Charles the Simple
led to his election as king after the deposition of Charles the Fat (887).
Eudes’s election was opposed by Archbishop Foulques of Reims, who, after the king
had suffered a series of defeats and when he was faced by a series of revolts, crowned the
adolescent Charles the Simple in 893. Civil war engulfed the realm until Charles’s
submission in 897. Eudes died on January 1, 898, recommending the succession of
Charles to his supporters but passing on his vast family lands and power to his brother,
the future Robert I.
Eudes was the first of the Capetian kings to be interred at the abbey of Saint-Denis,
which was to become the traditional burying place of the dynasty.
R.Thomas McDonald
[See also: ROBERT LE FORT]
Bautier, Robert-Henri. “Le règne d’Eudes (888–898) à la lumière des diplômes expédiés par sa
chancellerie.” Paris: Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1961.
Favre, Édouard. Eudes, comte de Paris et roi de France (882–898). Paris: Bouillon, 1893.


(d. 1275). Little is known of Eudes’s life prior to his becoming a Franciscan ca. 1236,
except that he was born in northern France to a devout family of the knightly class. By
1240, he was studying theology at Paris and succeeded John of La Rochelle in the
Franciscan chair of theology a few years later. During his regency, ca. 1245, he
commented on the first three books of Peter Lombard’s Sententiae and collaborated with
three of his Franciscan colleagues in commenting on the Rule of St. Francis (Expositio
regulae quaturo magistrorum). In March 1248, Eudes was elected to the archiepiscopal
see of Rouen, where he served until his death.
As archbishop, Eudes served Louis IX on several missions, including the Treaty of
Paris (1259), which saw the Plantagenêts cede Normandy to the Capetians. Eudes is

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