Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1
Jean Fouquet, Hours of Étienne

Chevalier. The Right Hand of God

Protecting the Faithful. Courtesy of the

Lehman Collection, Metropolitan

Museum of Art, New York.

Clancy, Stephen. Books of Hours in the Fouquet Style: The Relationship of Jean Fouquet and the
Hours of Étienne Chevalier to French Manuscript Illumination of the Fifteenth Century. Diss.
Cornell University, 1988. [With bibliography.]
Reynaud, Nicole. Jean Fouquet. Paris: Éditions de la Reunion des Musées Nationaux, 1981.
Sterling, Charles, and Claude Schaeffer. The Hours of Étienne Chevalier: Miniatures by Jean
Fouquet. New York: Braziller, 1971.
Wescher, Paul. Jean Fouquet and His Time. Basel: Pleiades, 1947.


. The fourrier (related to the verb fourrager ‘forrage’) was a member of a corps of
servants in the household of great lords and prelates who preceded the lord in his travels
and arranged for the lodging of his court. The royal fourrière, or corps of fourriers, was

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