Side project
Tell us more about Ingrid
Ingrid allows users to visually develop complex
and flexible layouts. Similar to a spreadsheet program
where you can select and colour cells in a table, Ingrid
invites you to make a master grid and then populate it
with child elements by selecting individual cells.
When elements are added their grid coordinates are
‘recorded’ at the current browser width like
keyframes in an animation.
Why did you create Ingrid?
The idea came from past experiences in print design,
using such tools as QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign
to create layouts for brochures. Each project
document would begin with a large and flexible grid,
which would help arrange the elements on the page.
As CSS Grid allows us to think beyond rows, I wanted
to make an interface to simulate those lovely grids
offered in the print publishing programs, only much,
much worse.
What were you hoping to achieve?
My aim was to build a tool that could generate a
starting point when tackling a flexible, grid-based
layout. CSS Grid allows complete freedom of
movement for all child elements and with those
elements requiring an adaptive grid for varying
screen sizes, there is scope for some incredibly
complex and dynamic layouts.
What technologies were used in building Ingrid?
I developed Ingrid entirely on CodePen before
exporting, minifying and uploading to I
used Sass out of habit but in all honesty there wasn’t
much CSS heavy lifting required. I also used Babel so
that I could work with the latest and greatest
JavaScript features; no additional JS libraries or
frameworks were used. I didn’t use Vue or React or
Angular or Backbone or Ember or Meteor or...
How has Ingrid been received?
The initial wave of recognition came from a share
from who kindly spread the word on
Twitter and Facebook. But it’s early days for Ingrid as
it only went live at the beginning of February and
there are plenty of additions and tweaks I have
planned for the future.
What’s next for Ingrid?
When CSS Grid Module 2 (
grid-2/) lands I’m hoping to implement subgrid
support for proper nesting of elements.
If you use Ingrid to help build something, anything,
I would love to hear about it!
Matthew Croud explains how he built a tool for
creating ľuid layouts across multiple breakpoints
job: Creative front-end
t: @Octavector