
(Brent) #1


applications from the data they produce. Solid is both a
form of self-regulation and adaptation of the internet.
Solid was founded in response to the growing hegemony
of the big internet players. Facebook, for example, now
has over two billion active users – it is effectively the
filter through which nearly two thirds of the world’s
internet users access the internet. These platforms
control much of what is done on the internet and their
platforms are accessories to the widening problem of
‘fake news’.
The ambition of Solid is to self-regulate the internet
by chang ing the w ay data is handled. Today, most inter net
compan ies requi re you to hand over your data before you
use their services. For example, every picture you post
on Facebook belongs to Facebook because the company
is the one that stores it. By contrast, an application built
on the Solid infrastructure will ask users where they
want to store their data – with the application requesting
access to it. T he cr ucial di f ference in this scenario is that
data remains in the ownership of the individual, not the
application using it. While you may decide to store your
data on Dropbox, it remains always under your control,

and you can prevent the application from accessing it at
any time you choose.
And this isn’t the only technical solution devised by
those who operate the modern internet. In December
2016, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft also
unveiled an information-sharing initiative to tackle
extremist content on the internet. They pledged to work
together to create a database of un ique dig ital f inger prints
(hashes) for videos and images that promote terrorism,
so that when one firm flags and removes a piece of content
for featuring violent terrorist imagery or a recruitment
video for example, the other companies can use the hash
to remove the same content on their platforms.
Another technological solution to the internet’s
challenge is being devised by the technology research
company InterDigital. Its ICN (Information-Centric
Network) proposes to eliminate the client-server
topolog y that is responsible for much of the latenc y and
duplication of data experienced across the internet.
An ICN-based internet would do away with URLs
(Uniform Resource Locators) that tell us where on the
network the information is and swap them for URIs
(Uniform Resource Identifiers), which tells us what the
information is. The contrast here is that when you want

a piece of information, you leave it to the network to find
it. It w i l l more l i kely be much closer to you than a remote
server somewhere.
The advantages of the ICN is a reduction in latency –
since data would be accessed f rom a locat ion much closer
to the user – but it can also improve trust because it
removes the ability to use fake URLs, a common tactic
for deceiving users with fake websites used for phishing
attacks or distributing fake news. These are two very
significant improvements.

Solid and ICN are just a couple of the possible examples
of self-regulation and technical changes that can be
made to the inter net in order to refor m it. T he hear ten ing
point of all this is that those responsible for the internet
are also the ones looking to improve it. Self-regulation
is already happening.
As visionary internet pioneer, John Perry Barlow
(author of, amongst other things, A Declaration of the
Independence of Cyberspace), once said: “[A] good way to
invent the future is to predict it.” This might sound

slightly naive in today’s world, where the freedom of the
internet is the centre of such a huge ongoing debate, but
it might just turn out to be true.
Self-regulation might not be a perfect solution just
yet, but it is still better than knee-jerk legislation that
could stifle creative and commercial innovation and
infringe upon people’s civil liberties.
Through the spirit of openness and collaboration –
principles that are so core to the internet itself – I am
confident that the technology-led, self-regulation
solutions being proposed by those in the industry will
be delivered far more quickly and effectively than any
government-led approach.
The internet will continue to regulate and redesign
itself. It has never stopped evolving to address its
chal lenges. By continuing to do so, it w i l l manage to find
its own solutions.

Simon Yeoman is general manager and
financial director at Fasthosts. He is an active
advocate for trust and transparency in the
industry. Follow Simon on: @siyeoman


“Facebook now has over two billion active users – it is

eļectively the Ľlter through which nearly two thirds of the

world’s internet users access the internet”

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