
(Brent) #1

Inspirational sites


Storm London is the Italian site for Storm Watches and is a beautiful
ecommerce platform that’s easy to use and visually exciting. On top of
that, this site is clean and simple. No fuss, it just concentrates on products
without overindulging in imagery or content.
You’ll notice there is a lovely use of transitions and animations as you
navigate through the site, which make you want to click and scroll around even
more. The transitions are a really nice touch to blend interfaces and make the
transition of content more enjoyable to watch.
The products around the site are large and clearly defined by an assortment
of bright background colours. The colourful backgrounds actually complement
them well and also enhance the fun on page transitions when an item’s clicked.
As an ecommerce site, it is boldly simple. The products are really clear and
there’s no need for anything else. The site is a nice reminder that websites
don’t need to do too much or satisfy every user. It just performs, does a limited
number of jobs and does them well.


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