
(Brent) #1

25 JavaScript tools


Above Quokka will output the contents of the file to a window connected to the editor

Emmet is a set of
plugins available
for most code
editors that aims
to enable developers to code
quickly by removing all of the
slow, repetitive tasks
involved. When developers
enter a small keyword, it can
detect and replace it with a
larger block of content.
Emmet will also understand
their intentions, parse the
syntax and even expand the
code automatically.

Import Cost
Over time,
applications can
soon become
bloated with
large dependencies weighing
them down. Import Cost is a
simple plugin for VS Code that
will highlight the size of any
imports inline as they are
added and are colour-coded to
see at a glance what might be
over-inflating the bundle. The
developer can then decide
whether that extra weight is
justified or not.

Code can often
get buried inside
nested objects,
functions or
elements. Sometimes that can
make it hard to see exactly
which open bracket marries
up to which close bracket.
BracketHighlighter for
Sublime Text will highlight
one bracket when the other is
selected and will even work
with multiple selections and
inside strings.

Chrome Debugger
VS Code can
breakpoints and
provide feedback
on running Node applications
already but what about the
browser? The Chrome
Debugger plugin will hook the
editor up to a DevTools
instance to enable the same
behaviour in-browser. Step
through code, pause execution
and monitor variable values in
a familiar environment.

Despite our best efforts, no
developer can get everything
right first time. When a
small idea needs trying out,
setting up a project just to see if it works
can be overkill. When working with
unfamiliar tools and libraries it is best to
have an isolated workspace that shows
exactly what is happening at each step.
Quokka is an environment that lives
inside an editor. It evaluates code inline
and displays the result as it gets used.
This makes it great for trying out blocks
of logic without having to build a new
bundle and check it in the browser.
Coloured blocks alongside each line
number shows that it’s covered by
Quokka. A green block indicates there are
no problems, while red alerts that there
is an issue with that line. The comment
at the end of that line provides more
information. A grey box shows a line is
never reached, which may or may not be
an intentional decision.
While Quokka works with most
setups straight away, its settings can
be customised within each file or inside
package.json if used with npm. Most
languages based on JavaScript are already

supported, including JSX and TypeScript,
but plugins are also available to work
with other syntaxes such as jQuery
without having to explicitly import it.
Plugins can be brought in to set up and
tear down environments each time the
code runs.
The project is made by the same team
as wallaby.js, which features similar
functionality but for test suites. As a

failing test gets written, Wallaby will
highlight the issue straight away, which
means errors are caught sooner.
Quokka is available as a plugin for
VS Code, Atom or JetBrains IDEs. The
free Community edition will cover
most cases, but the optional Pro edition
enhances things further by enabling
inline inspection of code to identify slow
performance issues.
Free download pdf