which will enable killer multi-page
PWAs that, I think, are probably the
right architecture for most sites.
Do you feel that the number of new
browser APIs coming with PWA will be
overwhelming for developers, especially
newer ones?
James Milner, London, UK
AR: Newer developers seem to have less
PWAs present. It’s folks who aren’t used
to the idea of a client-side component
with its own update cycle that struggle
to turn out great experiences. Converts
from native app development tend to
excel in building PWAs.
What’s the most important lesson the
XD team has learned in building tools for
other designers?
Diomari Madulara, Davao Region,
EC: One of the greatest temptations
opinions or only checking in with
Adobe designers to craft experiences
for our entire community. The fact of
the matter is the design community is
incredibly diverse and we get the best
results when we leave our building
and truly delve into the breadth
of experiences and needs of our
community. The good news is the design
community is strong, interested and
engaged. Our users are deeply invested
and have freely shared their insight on
their own needs and their observations
of the industry as a whole.
As a result, we’ve made it a priority to
engage with our customers worldwide,
planning visits to listen to people and
observe how they work. But it’s not just
product managers and user researchers
that engage with our community; we
bring our engineers and designers along
with us to talk with agencies, visit
enterprises and chat with freelancers,
all to help build the internal empathy
that results in superior experiences.
Besides WebUSB/WebBluetooth and
WebAssembly, what other progressive
web app features need work/spec/support
to achieve feature parity with native or
native-ish? Also when will PWAs be listed
in Play Store?
AJ Klein, Dallas, USA
AR: There’s a pretty long list of features
we’d like to bring to the web but the
That said, I don’t think there’s some
that one feature, we’ve made it. Instead,
it’s about the rate of progress. Are we
adding features to the web at the same
rate native gets them (but perhaps
at some delay)? If the answer is yes,
particularly in the long run.
And PWAs in the Play Store are
coming! We’re hard at work on a feature
called Trusted Web Activities that will
let you build APKs you can list that just
wrap PWAs. Look out for more on that
later this year.
What new and upcoming
features in Adobe XD
should people be made
aware of?
Trent Davidson, Leicester, UK
EC: Users of Adobe XD can request new
features via our UserVoice site (adobexd.
uservoice.com). Here are some we’ve been
working on lately...
Design features
From the design perspective, the
XD team has been working on
features that enable higher fidelity
designs over the past few months, and
recently released both radial gradients
and stroke position.
From the prototyping perspective,
we’re in active development for
some of our most requested features,
including the ability to fix a header or
footer and create an overlay artboard that
can slide over an existing artboard.
Also be on the lookout for even
higher fidelity motion in the future:
there’s much more on the way for users
of Adobe XD.
PWAs are an increasingly viable alternative to native and they’ll soon be coming to the Google Play Store