
(Brent) #1

Graphic shaders

and 0.5. In other words: what is the distance from the
centre of the image?
Then we multiplied our current colour value by the
result of the smoothstep function. Smoothstep, you
may recall, gives interpolated value between 0 and
1, based on the provided two ‘edges’ and the source
value, which we defined here as the distance the
pixel is from centre, multiplied by the strength of
the effect and the falloff.

Challenge: Try experimenting with those 0.5 values
in the smoothstep function to see what effects you
get. Change the distance line to use vec2(0.75,0.75)
and see what effect that has. Can you make off-
centred or coloured vignettes?

Creating animations with shaders is a great way
to show how easy it is to make great effects with
minimal code. Try this new code out.

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy/iResolution.xy; //
vec2 p = (2. uv - 1.); // centre
= iResolution.x / iResolution.y; // correct
aspect ratio
vec2 t = vec2(p.x, p.y)/4.0;
float light = t.y + .25; // make brighter closer,
darker further
fragColor = vec4(texture(iChannel0, t).rgb / light,

You should see a gradient of brightness applied to
your image. Not a tunnel yet but it’ll get there.
We used multiplication for scaling, centring and
aspect-ratio correction. This gets us a texture, with
some shading via a simple gradient and a centre to
work from that won’t be stretched by the aspect ratio
of the canvas. We’re applying a gradient of dark to

light to the image, which is based on a distance from
the centre.
Let’s add some simple scrolling of the texture to
get it moving on a loop and then a little maths to
wrap this texture around a cylindrical shape. We can
use the atan function to help.
Here’s how the new code now looks all together:

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy/iResolution.xy; //
vec2 p = (2. * uv - 1.); // centre
p.x *= iResolution.x / iResolution.y; // correct
aspect ratio
vec2 t = vec2(atan(p.x, p.y) / 3.1416, 1. /
vec2 speed = iTime * vec2(.1, 1); // texture offset
vec2 scale = vec2(3, 1); // texture scale
float light = t.y + .25; // make brighter closer,
darker further
fragColor = vec4(texture(iChannel0, t * scale +
speed).rgb / light, 1);

In the atan function, we use the angle between
the x and y of p, which is our centred UV and then
apply the distance p is from the origin, similar to our
vignette shader. It might be a bit of maths to wrap
your head around but try experimenting with the
code and see how easy it is to manipulate the effect.

Challenge: Try experimenting with the scale and
speed to get a result you like. Try animating the
t variable over time to twist the texture. Or try
adding the other effects we made on top of this
one to enhance the effect.

Use this for a background effect or drop a sprite in
front of it and you have a ship flying down a tunnel.
Play with the blur and colour and you’ll have
something really nice for your next project.

)DUOHIWA beautiful
cinematic vignette effect
$ERYHOHIWA gradient of
brightness that will give
depth to your tunnel
Above right A finished
tunnel animation with
aspect ratio correction,
scaling and speed
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