EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1



The project “Future volunteers – Key to success is Generation Z (K2S-GenZ)”

is a 1-year volunteering programme, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme

of the European Union, which started on the 1st of April in 2022 and ended on

the 31
of March in 2023, focusing on volunteering and skills development.

The main goal of the K2S-
GenZ project was to create
an opportunity for students
interested in sports and the
organization of sport events, so
they can be part of a lifelong
adventure, learn about the
values of university sports, and
gain valuable work experience
through both learning and
practice, thereby strengthening
their future employability.

In the long run, the project aimed
to study the requirements in the
field of volunteering, especially
taking the characteristics and
needs of Generation Z, gathering
feedback from stakeholders,
and also producing strategically
thoughtful professional

In the early stage of the project,
a small group of 13 volunteers
(10 Hungarian and 3 from other
countries) were selected among
young university students, aged
18-26, studying in Hungary.
The project enabled them to

gain training and experience
by taking part in two big sport
events: the national Hungarian
universities championships in
May 2022, and the 6th edition
of the European Universities
Games (EUG), held in the Polish
city of Lodz in July 2022.

In the framework of the
Hungarian universities
championships, the University
of Miskolc hosted the MEFOB
Festival on May 19-22, 2022, a
4 days multi-sport event with
competitions in 8 disciplines,
where the team of volunteers
also included 10 volunteers
from the K2S-GenZ project.
Here, the project volunteers
were able to test themselves
in several areas, by working
for the info desk, accreditation,
accommodation, meals, attaché,
communication, and protocol,
bringing their contribution to the
success of the event.

The K2S-GenZ volunteers
were later directly involved in

the carrying out of the EUG

  1. While assisted by a
    mentor throughout the period,
    the students performed their
    duties as members of the
    official volunteer team of the
    event. As such, they carried out
    responsible tasks in the areas
    of accreditation, transfer and
    information, accommodation
    and catering, protocol and
    educational events, media,
    sports, result management and
    venue management.

The outcomes of the K2S-
GenZ project were finally
presented during the project
closing event which took place
on the 22nd of March, 2023, in
Budapest, Hungary. The findings
revealed how attaining greater
involvement of Generation Z
youth is a key challenge for the
future of sport events.

The use of visual tools is crucial
to attract more volunteers
and build a good relationship
with them, as Generation Z

is more visual and easier to
reach through digital and social
media platforms. Establishing
a reward system for them
to feel appreciated has also
proved to be fundamental
in this sense. Generation Z
values engagement and fully
interactive events, but is also
the one that worries the most
about fitting in.

This small-scale cooperation
partnership project involves the
EUSA Institute together with
other two organizations from
Hungary, namely the Sports
Club of Miskolc University
(MEAFC) and the Hungarian
University Sports Federation
(HUSF/MEFS). All members
of the partnership are well
committed to the development
of the university sports
movement and the core values
of its community.



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