Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

As they prepared to enter the room, Luna remembered
something and said, "I just realized, did you forget to grab our
belongings from the car?"

Shimmy chuckled lightly and tapped his forehead, saying,
"You're always there to remind me of things. Let's quickly go
back to retrieve them."

The siblings returned to the car, retrieved their belongings, and
then returned to the room. As they prepared to go inside, Luna
remembered something else and said, "I just remembered
something important. Did you forget to grab our things from
the car?"

Shimmy tapped his forehead with a smile and replied, "You're
always there to remind me of things. Let's quickly go back and
get them."

They returned to the car, retrieved their belongings, and
headed back to the room. They enjoyed a light meal in the
room together, sharing some laughs and friendly conversation.

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