Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

You, the guardians, are to blame; you left two innocent
children to play by themselves, so the blame is on you, she
interjected with a voice full of sadness and loss

"I refuse to entertain your delusions. How can you possibly
substantiate your claims?" Mr. Chu's voice resonated with
skepticism, a blend of disbelief and disdain.

In response, Luna's tone quivered, her words laced with
uncertainty. "Do you not recall that the house was encircled
with surveillance cameras, you fool?" Her voice carried an air
of accusation, as if she were unveiling a long-hidden truth.

With each word, the tension in the room thickened, hanging
like a heavy mist. Luna's revelation cast a pall of unease over
Mr. Chu, his expression contorted with a mixture of shock and
realization. The memory of those cameras, once forgotten, now
loomed large in his mind, stirring dormant fears and unsettling

As the truth began to unravel, the room seemed to shrink,
suffocating them with its oppressive atmosphere. In that
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