Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

daughter of Mr. Lee. Though I'm uncertain if this abode is truly
deserted, I am compelled to seek an audience with someone
who may illuminate the mysteries that enshroud this place."
Of course, madam, I would like to ask you. Is Mr. Lee really
deceased? And is Shimi truly his son as well? Have you indeed
lived for 19 years in deception?
Of course, madam, these questions pose significant challenges
and open doors to hidden and unknown worlds. It is believed
that Mr. Lee, that mysterious and controversial figure, departed
leaving behind many mysteries. He wielded immense power
and vast wealth, but what exactly happened? Was his death
just a coincidence, or were there calculated plans behind it?

As for Shimi, could he really be Mr. Lee's son? Did Shimi know
the full truth, or was much hidden from him? Perhaps these
questions have been swirling in Luna's mind for years, but now
is the time to uncover the truth.

And finally, what about you, Luna? Have you truly lived all
these years in a world of lies and mystery? Were all the
memories and experiences you went through just dreams and

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