Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

Then I went down to the iron

I cooked Indomie, which I bought when we were abroad...and I
cooked it with its own spices...but I usually add my own, but
those spices are Korean and my aunt does not have them, and I
forgot to bring them with me...then I and Choi went up to my
room and started Watching the series, which I had not finished
yet... and eating Indomie... and after maybe half an hour had
passed, she came and greeted her, then she went and took a
shower and changed her clothes... then she lay on her bed,
scrolling through her phone... so Maria called me and we
talked. A little while, then I went back to the Indomie plate,
finished it and went to sleep because I was exhausted

I woke up in the morning and looked at my phone. It was
10:30. I went to the bathroom and took a good shower...
because I didn’t shower yesterday because I was tired... I
washed my hair well... because I didn’t wash it well last time...
then I got out of the bathroom and I went to the room... (I'll call
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