Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Further Reading

Contini, Gianfranco, ed. Poeti del Duecento Milan and Naples:
Ricciardi, 1960, Vol. 1, pp. 189–255.
Egidi, Francesco, ed. Rime Bari: Laterza, 1940. (See also review
by Gianfranco Contini. Giornale Storico della Letteratura
Italiana, 117, 1941, pp. 55–82.)
Leonardi, Lino, ed. Canzoniere: I sonetti d’amore del Coicke
Laurenziano. Turin: Einaudi, 1994.
Margueron, Claude, ed. Lettere. Bologna: Commissione per i
Testi di Lingua, 1990.
Meriano, Francesco, ed. Le lettere di Fra Guittone d’Arezzo
Bologna: Commissione per i Testi di Lingua, 1923.
Segre, Cesare, and Mario Marti, eds. La prosa del Duecento
Milan-Naples: Ricciardi, 1959, 25–93.

Avalle, D’Arco Silvio. Ai luoghi di delizia pieni. Milan and
Naples: Ricciardi, 1977, pp. 17–68.
Baehr, Rudolf. “Studien zur Rhetorik in den Rime Guittones von
Arezzo.” Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 73, 1957, pp.
193–258; and 74, 1958, pp. 163–211.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. The Early Italian Sonnet: The First Cen-
tury (1220–1321) Lecce: Milella, 1986, pp. 93–109.
Leonardi, Lino. “Guictone cortese?” Medioevo Romanzo, 13,
1988, pp. 421–455.
Margueron, Claude. Recherches sur Guittone d’Arezzo: Sa
vie, son époque, sa culture. Paris: Presses Universitaires de
France, 1966.
Minetti, Francesco F. Sondaggi guittoniani. Turin: Giappichelli,
Moleta, Vincent. The Early Poetry of Guittone d’Arezzo. London:
Modern Humanities Research Association, 1976.
Picone, Michelangelo. “Lettura guittoniana: La canzone ‘Ora
che la freddore.’” Yearbook of Italian Studies, 5, 1983, pp.

Quaglio, Antonio Enzo. “L’esperimento di Guittone d’Arezzo.”
In Le origini e la scuola siciliana, 2nd ed. Bari: Laterza,
1975, pp. 259–300.
Segre, Cesare. Lingua, stile, e società: Studi sulla storia della
prosa italiana. Milan: Feltrinelli, 1963.
Storey, H. Wayne. “The Missing Picture in the Text of Escorial
e.III.23: Guittone’s Trattato d’amore.” In Italiana: Selected
Papers from the Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference
of the American Association of Teachers of Italian, December
27–28, 1986, ed. Albert Mancini and Paolo Giordano, River
Forest, Ill.: Rosary College, 1988, pp. 59–75.
Tartaro, Achille. Il manifesto di Guittone e altri studi fra Due e
Quattrocento. Rome: Bulzoni, 1974.
——. “Cronologia guittoniana.” In Letteratura e critica: Studi
in onore di Natalino Sapegno. Rome: Bulzoni, 1975. pp.
H. Wayne Storey

(ca. 1400–February 3, 1468)
Credited with the invention of printing with movable
metal type, Johann Gutenberg probably learned metal-
working from his father’s family who worked for the
archbishop’s mint. Gutenberg lived in Strasbourg from
about 1428 to 1448, when he returned to Mainz where
he had been born. There, he produced the Gutenberg
Bible, the fi rst major printed book. He died in Mainz
on February 3, 1468.
Gutenberg’s historical signifi cance arises from his
role in the development of printing. Records of lawsuits
during his residence in Strasbourg point to his early ex-
periments with the craft. The heirs of one of his partners,
for example, sued to be included in the partnership.


The printing press invented by Johann
Gutenberg. © Erich Lessing/Art
Resource, New York.

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