Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Averroès, 52–54, 346
Abu ‘L-Wa ̄ lid Muh.ammad B. Ah.mad B. Rushd, 16
Colliget, 54
commentaries on Aristotle, 52
De Anima, 53
law, 52–54
medicine, 52–54
natural sciences, 53
philosopher, 52–54
Avicenna, 16, 54–55, 647
Canon of Medicine, 54
Islam, 53–54
medicine, 54–55
philosopher, 54–55
Ayyu ̄ bid dynasty, 588

Bacon, Roger, 57
Compendium studii theologiae, 57
encyclopedia of the sciences, 57
Franciscan, 57
observational experiments, 57
philosopher, 57
scientist, 57
Baldwin I, Latin King of Jerusalem, 159, 160
Ballata, 112
Balliol, Edward, 191
Banditore (town crier), Antonio Pucci, 42
Baptistry reliefs, Florence, Pisano, Andrea, 535–536
Bardi bank, 80, 509, 647
Bartholomew of Simeri, 525
Barukh, Rabbi Meir b., 49–50
Batman vppon Bartholome (Stephen Batman), 630
Battle of Hastings, 296, 670
Beatos, 58
Beatrijs van Nazareth, 57–58
Brabantine mystic, 57–58
Cistercian nun, 57, 58
Van seven manieren van heileger minne (Seven Steps of
Holy Love), 58
Beatrijs van Tienen. See Beatrijs van Nazareth
Beatriz of Castile, Afonso III, King of Portugal, 10
legitimization, 10
papal opposition, 10
Beatus of Liébana, 58
adoptionist controversy, 58
Apocalypse commentary, 58
Beaumanoir, Philippe de Remi, Sire de, 69
Coutumes de Beauvaisis, 59
jurist, 59
poet, 59
Becket, Thomas, 59–60
administrative skills, 60
as chancellor, 60
clash over royal vs. ecclesiastical rights, 60
Henry II, King of England, 59–60, 315, 316
John of Salisbury, 380
model archbishop, 60
reformer, 60
saint and martyr, 59–60

Bede the Venerable, 60–63, 101
author, 60–63
biblical commentary, 60–63
De arte metrica, 61
De natura rerum, 61
De orthographia, 61
De temporum ratione, 61
Ecclesiastical History of the English People, 60–61, 62, 63
historian, 60–63
History of the Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow, 62
homilies, 62
Letter to Ecgbert, 62–63
Northumbrian Golden Age, 60–63
Bedford, John, Duke of, 63–64
regent, 63–64
Beguines, 359
Mechthild von Magdeburg, 462–463
Behaim, Martin, 104
Beheim, Michael, 64–65
autobiographical verses, 64–65
composer, 64–65
Gedichte, 64
poet, 64–65
publisher, 64
Belisarius, 388–389
Belle dame sans merci (Alain Chartier), 129, 130
Bencivieni di Pepo. See Cimabue
Benedict of Nursia, Saint, 65–66, 107
Benedictine Rule, 65–66
organizing monasteries, 65
patriarch of western monasticism, 65–66
Benedict XI, Pope, 633
Benedict XIII, antipope, 22
Benedictine Reform, Ælfric, 6, 7
Benedictine Rule, 187
in England, 65
Benjamin of Tudela, 66–67
historian, 66
merchant, 66
reports on Jews, 66
on travel, 66
Benoît de Sainte-Maure, 67
Chronique des ducs de Normandie, 67
Roman de Troie, 67
Berceo, Gonzalo de, 67–69
Castilian poet, 67–69
Duelo que fi zo la Virgen, 68
Loores de Nuestra Señora, 69
master of cuaderna vía, 67
Milagros de Nuestra Señora, 69
Sacrifi cio de la Misa, 69
San Lorenzo, 68
Santa Oria, 68
Santo Domingo, 68
Vida deSan Millán, 67–68, 69
Berengar of Tours, 240
Berlinghiero di Milanese, 88
Bernard Gui, 69
author, 69
Flores chronicorum, 69
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