Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Epitome of Astrology (John of Seville), 380–381
Equestrian Portrait of Guidoriccio da Fogliano (Simone
Martini), 455
Eracle (Gautier d’Arras), 243–244
Erec et Enide (Chrétien de Troyes), 135, 136, 137–138
Eremitism, 158, 578
Erhart, Michel, 205
master in Ulm, 205
sculptor, 205
Erik, Saint, 205–206
King of Sweden, 205
law, 205–206
symbol of Church in Sweden, 205
Erik of Pomerania, 447
Eriugena, Johannes Scottus, 206–207
Charles the Bald, 206–207
Periphyseon (On the Division of Nature), 207
scholar, 206–207
translator, 206–207
Espurgatoire saint Patrice (Marie de France), 449, 451
Estonia, 614
Ethics, Abélard, Peter, 2
Etymologiae (Saint Isidore of Seville), 351
Eugenius III, Pope, 254
Arnold of Brescia, 46–47
Roman republic, 47
Eugenius of Palermo, 207–208
east-west cultural transmission in Sicily, 207–208
poet, 207–208
translator, 207–208
Eulogius of Córdoba, 208–209
Alvarus, Paulus, 33
Córdoban Martyrs’ Movement, 33, 208–209
Islam, 208–209
Memoriale sanctorum, 208
Eulogy (Pier della Vigna), 532
Évreux family, 123–124
Exile, Dante Alighieri, 162–163, 166
Cao, Diogo, 104
Columbus, Christopher, 146–148
Dias, Bartolomeu, 170
Gama, Vasco da, 243
Henrique, Prince of Portugal, 311–312
Expositio de symbolo apostolorum (Uguccione da Pisa), 637
Expositio Psalmarum (Cassiodorus), 108
Eyvindr Finnsson skáldaspillir, 209–211
Hákonarmál, 209–210
Háleygjatal, 209, 210
lausavísur, 209, 210–211
poet, 208–210
skald, 208–210
Ezzo, 211–212
composer, 211–212
Ezzolied (Ezzo’s Song) (Ezzo), 211–212
Ezzonid family, 37

Fables (Marie de France), 449, 451
Fables (Robert Henryson), 325, 326

Fall of Princes (John Lydgate), 426
Fates of Illustrious Men (Giovanni Boccaccio), 83
Fates of the Apostles (Cynewulf), 154, 155
Fatimid dynasty, 588
Fazio degli Uberti, 213–214
Il dittamondo, 213
poet, 213–214
political and cultural ideals, 213
Feast of Immaculate Conception, 657
Félix o El libre de meravelles (Felix, or the Book of Wonders)
(Ramón Llull), 410, 411–412
Fernando, King of Aragón, 22
Fernando de Bulhoes. See Anthony of Padua, Saint
Fernando I, King of León, 214–215
accession, 214
campaigns against the Muslim ta ̄’ifa kingdoms, 214–215
reform of Church, 214–215
ta ̄’ifa of Toledo, 215
ta ̄’ifa of Zaragoza, 215
Fernando III, King of Castile, 215–217
accession, 215
conquest of Córdoba, 216
development of institutions and culture, 217
eradicating Muslim rule in Spain, 215–217
Jiménez de Rada, Rodrigo, 371–372
León and Castile reunited, 216
Reconquest, 215–216
Seville, 216
Ferrer, Vicente, Saint, 217–218
missionary, 217
Papal Schism, 217–218
preacher, 217–218
scholar, 217–218
Flaccus. See Alcuin
Florence, Italy, 91
alliance among Guelf party, papacy, and France, 162
Arnolfo di Cambio, 47–48
banking, 647
Black Death, 82
Black vs. White Guelfs, 149
center of humanistic studies, 590–591
Compagni, Dino, 148–149
Dante Alighieri, 160–162
development, 648–649
factionalism, 648, 649
founding, 435
Gaddi, Taddeo, 241–242
Giotto di Bondone, 255–257
Guzmán, Nuño de, 288–289
Hawkwood, Sir John, 303–304
Henry VII of Luxembourg, Emperor, 324
Maimonides, 435
mercantile companies, 647
Nardo di Cione, 475–476
physical development, 648–649
Pisano, Andrea, 536
in poems of Antonio Pucci, 42
political life, 148–149
relations with Church, 648
Remigio dei Girolami, 561–562
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