Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


H.afs.a bint al-Hayy Ar-Rakuniyya, 293–294
poet, 293–294
Hákon góði (“The Good”) Haraldsson, 294
attempts to introduce Christianity into Norway, 294
law, 294
organizer of military defense, 294
Hákon Hákonarson, King of Norway, 295, 611–612
collaboration with Church, 295
European chivalric literature, 295
Ribbungar from Viken, 295
Hákonarmál (Eyvindr Finnsson skáldaspillir), 209–210
Hákon, King of Norway, 447
Halakhic issues, 50–51
Halevi, Samuel, 507
Háleyg (Eyvindr Finnsson skáldaspillir), 209, 210
Ha-Nasi. See Abraham bar H.iyya
Handbook of the Christian Faith (Dirc van Delf), 173–174
Hanseatic League, 153
Haraldr hárfagri (“Fair-Hair”) Hálfdanarson, 297–298
unifi cation of Norway, 297
Haraldr harðráði (“Hard Ruler”) Sigurðarson, 296–297
claim to English throne, 296
Harold Godwinson, King of England, 296, 298
Haraldsdrápa (Arnórr Þórðarson jarlaskáld), 49
Harold Godwinson, King of England, 192–193, 298
Edward the Confessor, 298–299
Haraldr Harðráði (“Hard Ruler”) Sigurðarson, 296, 298
William the Conqueror, 298
Harold I, King of England, 670
Harpestreng, Henrik, 299
author, 299
medicine, 299
Urtebogen, 299
Hartmann von Aue, 300–302
author, 300–302
chronology of writings, 300
Gregorius, 300, 301–302
patron, 300
poet, 300–302
Poor Heinrich, 300, 302
Húsdrápa (“House-lay”) (Ulfr Uggason), 637–638
Hawkwood, Sir John, 34, 35, 303–304
elected captain general of White Company, 303
Florence, 303–304
Gregorius XI, Pope, 303–304
joined antipapal league, 304
mercenary soldier, 303–304
Uccello, Paolo, 304
Visconti family, 303
H.ayya. See Abraham bar H.iyya
Hebreo, León, Dialoghi d’amore, 3–4
Hebrew Bible, Andrew of Saint-Victor, 35–36
Hegyon ha-nefesh ha-’asubah (The Meditation of the Sad
Soul) (Abraham bar H.iyya), 3
Heiligenleben (Hermann von Fritzlar), 327
Heilsspiegel Altar, 676
Heimelijkheid der Heimelijkheden (Mirror of Princes)
(Jacob van Maerlant), 353–354
Heimskringla (Snorri Sturluson), 296, 297–298, 605
Hein van Aken. See Heinric

Heinric, 304–305
Of King Saladijn and of Tabaryen, 304
poet, 304–305
Heinrich der Glîchezâre, 305–306
author, 305–306
Reinhart Fuchs (Reynard the Fox), 305
Heinrich von dem Türlin, 306
author, 306
Diu Crûne (The Crown), 306
Heinrich von Melk, 306–307
poet, 306–307
Vom Priesterleben (On the Life of Priests), 306–307
Von des todes gehugde (On the Remembrance of Death),
Heinrich von Morungen, 307–308
minnesinger, 307–308
motifs, 308
use of images and symbols, 308
Heinrich von Veldeke, 309–310
Eneasroman (The Story of Aeneas), 309–310
original language, 309
poet, 309–310
Servatius, 310
Helfta monastery, 250
mysticism, 250
Hellenic studies, rebirth, 590–591
Helmbrecht (Werner der Gärtner), 665
Héloïse, 310
Abélard, Peter, 1, 310
burial, 2
correspondence, 1, 2
monastery of the Paraclete, 310
Henrique, Prince of Portugal, 311–312
African exploration, 312
chivalric ideal, 311
colonization, 312
explorer, 311–312
Joao I, King of Portugal, 311
maritime activities, 311–312
against Muslims of Ceuta, 311
navigator, 311–312
quest for patronage, 311
as slaver, 311, 312
Henry I, King of England, 312–313
accession, 312
Anselm of Bec
disputes over homage and investiture, 38
exile by, 38
development of institutions of government, 313
investiture, 313
law, 313
Norman insurrection, 313
overlordship in Maine and Brittany, 312–313
peace and prosperity, 313
possession of Normandy, 312–313
succession, 313
Henry I of Saxony, 313–314
action against Magyars, 314
Bavaria, 314
Charles the Simple, 314
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