Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

diplomacy, 314
extending rule, 314
Henry II, Emperor, 72
Thietmar of Merseburg, 621–622
Henry II, King of England, 315–316, 564, 658
Becket, Thomas, 59–60, 315, 316
challenging special interest groups, 315–316
confl ict with Church, 315–316
dominance, 315
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 198–199, 315
formation of Angevin Empire, 316
John of Salisbury, 380
law, 316
mercenary forces, 315
Philip II Augustus, King of France, 526
siege techniques, 315
transformation in government, 316
Henry III, King of England, Simon de Montfort, Earl of
Leicester, 603
Henry III, King of Germany, Emperor, 72, 150, 316–317
accession, 316
appointed German bishops as popes, 318
assertion of royal prerogatives, 317
assumption of full royal powers, 317
Church reform, 317–318
deposed popes, 318
ideals of peace and justice, 317
religious revival and reform, 317
wars against Bohemia and Hungary, 317
Henry IV, King of England, 318
accession, 318
Henry V, King of England, 320
Joan of Navarre, 318
Percys’ rebellion, 318
problems with nobles, 318
Welsh rising led by Owen Glendower, 318
Henry IV, King of Germany, Emperor, 319–320
antipope, 504
forced to abdicate, 320
Gregory VII, Pope, 275, 319–320
excommunication and deposition, 275
guardianship, 319
Paschal II, Pope, 504
regency, 37
relationship with German nobles, 319
right of investiture, 504
Henry of Lancaster, 191
Henry the Lion, 320–321
Duke of Saxony and Bavaria, 320
expansion eastward, 320–321
Frederick I Barbarossa, 320–321
nationalism, 320–321
Henry V, King of England, 63, 318, 321–322
Earl of March plot, 321
French conquests, 321–322
Henry IV, King of England, 320
Lollards, 321
militarism, 321
religious intolerance, 321
Henry V, King of Germany, Emperor, 504

Paschal II, Pope, 504
right of investiture, 504
Henry VI, King of England, 63
dual monarchy, 63
Henry VI, King of Germany, 322–323
Celestine III, Pope, 322
crusades, 323
Frederick I Barbarossa, 323
German imperial authority, 322–323
opposition to, 322–323
Henry VII, King of England, Richard III, King of England,
Henry VII of Luxembourg, Emperor, 103, 323–325
Clement V, Pope, 143
Dante Alighieri, 162, 163
Florence, 324
Ghibellines, 324
Guelfs, 324
Lombardy and, 324
in northern Italy, 324
Robert of Anjou, King of Naples, 572
against Tuscany, 324
Henryson, Robert, 325–326
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 325, 326
Fables, 325, 326
Middle Scots dialect, 325
Orpheus and Eurydice, 325–326
poet, 325–326
Testament of Cresseid, 326
Hermann von Fritzlar, 327
author, 327
hagiologist, 327
Heiligenleben, 327
Hermann von Reichenau, 72
Hermeneutic style, 100
Hilton, Walter, 331–332
Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, 576
Heroic paideia, 165
Herrad von Hohenburg, 327–328
abbess of Augustinian convent, 327–328
author, 327–328
Hortus deliciarum, 327–328
Herrand von Wildonie, 328
author, 328
composer, 328
Herzog Ernst (Ulrich von Etzenbach), 638, 639
H.eshbon mahalekhot ha-kokhabim (The Calculation of Astral
Motions) (Abraham bar H.iyya), 3
Hexaemeron (Anders Sunesen), 615
H.ibbur ha-meshih.ah ve-ha-tishboret (On Measuring)
(Abraham bar H.iyya), 2
Hild, Abbess, 101, 329
founded nunnery at Wear, 329
teacher, 329
Hildebrand. See Gregory VII, Pope
Hildegard von Bingen, 199, 200, 329–330, 330
author, 329–330
Benedictine, 329–330
composer, 329–330
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