A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

acknowledgements xv

earlier draft, and I am grateful to colleagues at the Centre and the
Leopold Muller Memorial Library, especially Sue Forteath, Martine
Smith-Huvers and César Merchán-Hamann, for providing the most
helpful, congenial and stimulating environment possible for writing a
history of this scope.
This is not the first time I have had cause to thank Neelum Ali for her
extraordinary patience and dedication in turning my handwriting into
typescript. These last years have not been easy, and my gratitude is all
the warmer. I am grateful also to Ben Sinyor and Richard Duguid, and
all who worked on the book in its final stages. I have been much helped
by Cecilia Mackay in the selection of images for illustration. The text
was superbly copy-edited by Peter James. The index was expertly pro-
duced by Dave Cradduck.
Over the ten years since this book was first mooted our family home
has moved from Birmingham to Oxford. I have had many discussions
with Sarah about what should go into the book, and this final version
should be seen as a tribute to our life together for over forty years. This
book is for her and for our children, Joshua, Alexander, Daisy and
Charlotte, and for the next generation, currently represented by Ezra.

Martin Goodman
May 2017
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