A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1



A Aramaic
Arab Arabic
G Greek
H Hebrew
Y Yiddish

Amidah [H] Lit. ‘standing’. The main prayer at daily services.
amora (pl. amoraim ) [A] Lit. ‘interpreter’. Term applied to the rab-
binic sages cited in the Talmuds active from the conclusion of the
Mishnah in c. 200 ce to the end of the fifth century ce.
etrog [H] Citron (a fruit like a lemon) used in liturgical worship on
gaon (pl. geonim) [H] Lit. ‘excellency’. Title of the head of the main
academies in Iraq from the sixth to the eleventh centuries.
genizah [H] Lit. ‘concealment’. Place for deposit of sacred texts when
they are worn out.
geonic period The sixth to eleventh centuries ce (see gaon ).
golem [H] In kabbalistic tradition, a man made of clay and magically
brought to life.
Habad [H] Acronym for a form of mysticism adopted by Lubavitch
haftarah (pl. haftaroth) [H] Reading from the Prophets following a
reading from the Torah in synagogue liturgy.
Haggadah [H] The narration of the exodus from Egypt at the Seder
on Pesach.
hairesis (pl. haireseis) [G] Lit. ‘choice’. A school of philosophy.
hakham [H] Lit. ‘sage’. Rabbinic title.
halakhah (pl. halakhot) [H] Lit. ‘walking’. The legal elements in rab-
binic teaching.
hallah [H] Lit. ‘dough offering’. Plaited loaf made for Sabbath and

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