A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Megillah (scroll) of the Book of Esther for use on Purim (eighteenth century; Dutch).
    Decoration of Purim megillot was common. Note the depiction of the signs of the Zodiac in
    much the same way as in Hammat Tiberias in the fourth century (Plate 17).

  2. (above left) Baruch Spinoza (1632–77), the great philosopher of the Enlightenment, by an
    unknown Dutch artist from the seventeenth century.

  3. (above right) Portrait of a Dutch Jew from the same period. His clothes, like those of
    Spinoza, naturally reflect contemporary Dutch style, but he is also wearing a large tallit and
    carrying a Torah scroll surmounted with rimmonim (finials) and a crown.

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