A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

536 notes to pp. xix–xx

JThS Journal of Theological Studies
KHZ ̇ Kwartalnik Historii Z ̇ydów
LBIYB Leo Baeck Institute Year Book
m. Mishnah
MJ Modern Judaism
OH Orah Hayyim
R. Rabbi
RQ Renaissance Quarterly
SCJ Studies in Contemporary Jewry
Singer– Sacks S.  Singer and J.  Sacks, The Authorised Daily Prayer Book of the
United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, 4th edn (Lon-
don, 2006)
SJ Studia Judaica
t. Tosefta
Tur. Arba’ah HaTurim
y. Yerushalmi (Palestinian Talmud)
Yad haYad haHazakah
YD Yore De’ah
ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik

Quotations from the Hebrew Bible are taken from the New Revised Standard
Version, with chapter and verse according to the English text. I have made much
use of existing English versions of ancient sources and rabbinic texts when these
are available. I have used in particular G. Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls
in English (London, 1997), retaining the use in these translations of { } to indicate
text supplied from a different manuscript of the same document, [ ] for hypothet-
ical reconstructions, and ( ) for glosses necessary for fluency (see ibid., p. 93). I
have also adopted a number of the translations published in the Loeb Classical
Library, especially the translations of Josephus by H. St J. Thackeray and L. H.
Feldman, and the translation of the Mishnah in H. Danby, The Mishnah (Oxford,
1933). In many cases I have adapted these and other previous translations into
more colloquial English.
Numerous systems are in common use for transliteration of Hebrew and other
Semitic languages. When a standard English rendering of a name or technical
term is in general use, I have adopted this for the sake of simplicity. In other cases,
I have used the general transliteration rules in C. Roth, ed., Encyclopaedia Juda‑
ica, 16 vols. (Jerusalem, 1971), 1:90, except that the letter het is not marked with
a dot and the letter tzade has been transliterated ‘ts’ to aid pronunciation.

Introduction: Approaching
the History of Judaism

  1. Exod 19:1, 3 - 6, 16 - 19. 2. Jos. Ap. 2. 164 - 5 (theocracy); 2. 169 - 71. 3. Jos. AJ
    1.16; Ap. 2.154; Hecataeus, ap. Diod. Sic. 40.3.3; Apollonius Molon, ap. Jos.

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