A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

notes to pp. 50–58 541

Hebrew Passover from the Earliest Times to ad 70 (London, 1963); Sanders,
Judaism, 132 - 8; on Pentecost: m. Bikk. 3: 2 - 8. 16. Deut 16:13, 14 - 15; m. Sukk.
1:1; m. Taan. 1:3. 17. Goodman, ‘The Pilgrimage Economy of Jerusalem in the
Second Temple Period’, in idem, Judaism in the Roman World, 59 - 67; Acts 2:5,
9 - 11; Philo, Spec Leg I. 67 - 8, 69 - 70. 18. m. Sukk. 5:4; 5:1. 19. On second
tithes, see Deut 14: 22 - 7; Matt 21: 12 - 13; S. Safrai, ‘The Temple’, in S. Safrai et al.,
eds., The Jewish People in the First Century: Historical Geography, Political His‑
tory, Social, Cultural and Religious Life and Institutions, 2 vols. (Assen, 1974 - 6),

  1. 902 - 3. 20. On international pilgrimage, see Goodman, ‘Pilgrimage’, in idem,
    Judaism in the Roman World, 63 - 4; on numbers in 65 ce, see Jos. BJ 6. 420 - 27;
    on the first fruits procession, see m. Bikk. 3: 2 - 8 (see above, note 15); opposition
    to the Water- Drawing: m. Sukk. 4:9; dancing by King David: 2 Sam 6: 14 - 16; Ele-
    phantine papyri: B.  Porten, Archives from Elephantine: The Life of an Ancient
    Jewish Military Colony (Berkeley, 1968), 128 - 33. 21. Exod 28:1; Lev 21: 18 - 20;
    on purity of lineage: Jos. Ap. 1.35; on prohibition of marriage of priest to a
    divorced woman, see B.  A. Levine, Leviticus (Philadelphia, 1989), 143 - 4; on
    archives: Jos. Ap. 1: 30 - 36. 22. Sacrifices as ‘God’s food’: Lev 21:6, 8, 17, 21, 22;
    offerings: Lev 1:2, 14 - 17; 1:9; 3: 1 - 5; 7: 11 - 15, 29 - 34. 23. On the tribe of Levi:
    Deut 10:8; on Levites in the Second Temple period: L. L. Grabbe, A History of
    Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period. I. Yehud: A History of the Persian
    Province of Judah (London, 2004), 227 - 30; on nethinim, see Neh 3:26; on Levite
    clothing, Jos. AJ 20. 216 - 18. 24. On intimidation of poor priests: Jos. AJ
    20.181; on Levites in the time of Nehemiah: Neh 10:37; on priests more gener-
    ally: Jos. Ap. 2.187, 186; on identification of tsara’at : Lev 13 - 14; m. Neg.; the
    priestly blessing: Num 6: 22 - 7. 25. On the Day of Atonement ritual: Lev 16; m.
    Yom.; on the secular role of High Priests: J. VanderKam, From Joshua to Caiaphas:
    High Priests after the Exile (Minneapolis, 2004); on descent from Zadok: 2 Sam
    8: 15 - 18; 1 Kgs 1: 38 - 9, 4: 1 - 4; on Maccabean and later High Priests: Jos. AJ 15.
    320 - 22; M. Goodman, The Ruling Class of Judaea (Cambridge, 1987), 41; ideal-
    ized Temple: Ezek 44: 15 - 31. 26. Christians in Temple court: Acts 2: 46 - 7; on
    Philo as a pilgrim, see Philo, Prob 2.64; A. Kerkeslager, ‘Jewish Pilgrimage and
    Jewish Identity in Hellenistic and Early Roman Egypt’, in D.  Frankfurter (ed.),
    Pilgrimage and Holy Space in Late Antique Egypt (Leiden, 1998), 107; on tithes,
    see Sanders, Judaism, 146 - 56; m. Shek. 2.4; Exod 30:15; 4Q159, see J. M. Allegro,
    Qumran Cave 4, I (4Q158– 4Q186) (Oxford, 1968); Cic. Flac. 28. 27. Jos. Ap.
    2.193; 1 Kgs 12: 26 - 30; on the excavations at Dan, see Dever, Did God Have a
    Wife?, 139 - 51; on horned altars, see Dever, Did God Have a Wife ?, 100, 119 -

    1. 2 Macc 10: 6 - 7; on 2 Maccabees and the Temple, see R. Doran, Temple
      Propaganda: The Purpose and Character of 2 Maccabees (Washington, DC,
      1981); on origins of Hanukkah, see 2 Macc 1:9; on Leontopolis temple: Jos. AJ
      13.63, 65, 66 - 7 (pagan site); 13.72 (smaller and poorer); cf. BJ 1.33; 7.427; on
      ancient prophecy, see Isa 19:19, cf. Jos. AJ 13.64; BJ 7.432; single shrine: Jos. AJ

  2. 65 - 7; rival to Jerusalem: Jos. BJ 7.431; on period of operation, Jos. BJ 7.436
    refers to 343 years, but this seems to be an error; on closure: Jos. BJ 7. 433 - 6; on
    offerings: m. Men. 13:10; search for covert references in G. Bohak, Joseph and

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