A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

notes to pp. 69–78 543

variance with the manuscripts, see E. Tov, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible,
3rd edn (Minneapolis, 2012), 54 - 9; Acts 18: 1 - 17; D. Noy, Jewish Inscriptions of
Western Europe, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1993– 5), vol. 2, nos. 117, 209, 540, 544,
558, 584; E. Schürer, rev. G. Vermes et al., History of the Jewish People in the Age
of Jesus Christ, 3 vols. (Edinburgh, 1973 - 87), 2: 434 - 46; 3: 100- 101; Jos. Vit. 277 -
98 (Tiberias); Mark 1: 21 - 9; 3: 1 - 7; Jos. BJ 2. 285 - 90 (Caesarea). 46. Philo,
Leg. 134; Jos. BJ 7.45; Philo, Quod Omn 81 (Essenes); Jos. BJ 2.291 (Cae-
sarea). 47. For a different view, see D. D. Binder, Into the Temple Courts: The
Place of the Synagogues in the Second Temple Period (Atlanta, 1999), 226, 336 -
41, and P.  Flesher, ‘Palestinian Synagogues before 70 c.e.: A Review of the
Evidence’, in D. Urman and P. V. M. Flesher (eds.), Ancient Synagogues: Histor‑
ical Analysis and Archaeological Discovery (Leiden, 1995), 27 - 39.

Chapter 4: The Torah of Moses:
Judaism in the Bible

  1. Plutarch, Quaest.  conv. 4.6.2; for the Jewish formula, see Exod 3: 15 - 16.

  2. Gen 1:1; on biblical notions of God, see M. Mills, Images of God in the Old
    Testament (London, 1998); intangible and invisible: Exod 33: 19 - 22; images: Ps
    29:10; Gen 1: 26 - 8; 5: 1 - 3; 9:6; Deut 33:2; Ps 84: 10 - 11. 3. YHVH: 2 Kgs 8: 27 -
    9; m. Yom. 6.2 (only in Holy of Holies): E. Tov, Scribal Practices and Approaches
    Reflected in the Texts Found in the Judean Desert (Leiden, 2004), 218; origins:
    Exod 3: 13 - 14; B. Porten, Archives from Elephantine: The Life of an Ancient Jew‑
    ish Military Colony (Berkeley, 1968), 105 - 6; Gen 14:22. 4. Exod 15:11; Judg 2:
    11 - 12 (following other gods); Isa 45:6; Deut 33:2; Josh 5: 14 - 15; Satan: Zech 3:
    1 - 2; Job 2: 6 - 7; Wisdom: Prov 8:22, 29 - 31. 5. On relations to natural bodies:
    Ezek 8:16 (on sun worship in Jerusalem Temple); Job 9:7; Josh 10: 12 - 13; 2 Kgs
    20:11; Isa 40:22 (‘like grasshoppers’); Exod 34: 6 - 7 (proclamation of quali-
    ties). 6. Ps 136 (kindness); warrior: Ps 74:14; Isa 42:13; on fear of the Lord:
    Prov 2: 1 - 6; 9.10; 14: 26 - 7; 15:33; 19:23. 7. Exod 19: 7 - 8; 32:1, 23; 35; Deut 30:
    16 - 19; for curses: Deut 28:20, with a full and chilling list in Deut 28: 16 - 65; Deut
    30: 11 - 14. 8. Ecstatic behaviour: 1 Sam 10:10; impelled to speak: Amos 3:8; Jer
    20: 7 - 9; visions: Ezek 1:1; Amos 8: 1 - 3; Zech 1: 7 - 13; eschaton: Joel 2:28 (Hebrew
    3:1); Urim and Thummim: 1 Sam 23: 10 - 11; Jos. AJ 3.218; m. Sot. 9:12. 9. Exile
    as divine judgement: Lev 26: 3 - 45; hardening of Pharaoh’s heart: Exod 4:21; 7:
    1 - 5; 14: 1 - 4; promise to Noah: Gen 9: 8 - 16; Israel as light to the nations: Isa 42:
    6 - 7; last days: Isa 2: 2 - 4; Zech 8: 20 - 23; Nineveh: Jonah 3; Ruth 4: 13 - 17; 1:16;
    Ezra on foreign wives: Ezra 10: 2 - 14. 10. Exod 20: 12 - 17 (Ten Commandments);
    charity: Deut 15:11 (RSV); Isa 58:7; Lev 19: 9 - 10; Deut 24:19; Ruth 2; Deut
    24:17, 19 - 20, 22 (remembering slavery in Egypt). 11. Exod 21: 23 - 5; Deut 25:
    11 - 12; Deut 22: 28 - 9; Lev 20:10; Deut 21: 18 - 21; Exod 21:16; 22: 1 - 4 (Hebrew
    21: 37– 22:3); on biblical criminal law, see R. Westbrook and B. Wells, Everyday
    Law in Biblical Israel: An Introduction (Louisville, Ky, 2009); Lev 25: 35 - 7
    (no interest on loans); Deut 23: 19 - 20 (loans to foreigners); Lev 25: 9 - 10

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