A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

544 notes to pp. 79–98

(Jubilee). 12. Marriage to brother’s widow: Deut 25: 5 - 6, 8 - 9 (ceremony for
refusal); divorce: Deut 24:1; Num 5: 14 - 31 (abridged), on the ‘water of bitter-
ness’; Gen 1:28 (procreation); slaves: Exod 21:20, 26 - 7; Deut 23: 15 - 16; slaves
on Sabbath: Exod 20:10; 23:12; Deut 5:14; slaves at Passover: Exod 12:44.

  1. Jos. Ap. 2.185 (Barclay); Elijah and Ahab (1 Kgs 18:18); holiness: Lev 19:2;
    first born: Exod 13: 11 - 13; Deut 15: 19 - 23 (animals); Num 18: 15 - 18 (Israel-
    ites). 14. Food laws: Lev 11: 1 - 23; 17: 10 - 14; 19:26 (avoidance of blood);
    emissions: Lev 12 - 15; on biblical notions of purity, see J. Klawans, Impurity and
    Sin in Ancient Judaism (New York, 2000), 20 - 42; menstruation: Lev 15: 19 - 30;
    18:19. 15. Num 15: 37 - 41 (fringes); prohibition on mix of wool and linen: Lev
    19:19; Deut 22:11; prohibition on hairstyles and tattoos: Lev 19: 27 - 8. 16. Gen
    17: 9 - 12, 14; Lev 19: 23 - 5 (trees). 17. Lev 18: 22 - 3; Gen 1: 27 - 8; 38: 9 - 10
    (Onan). 18. Doorposts: Deut 6:6, 9; R. de Vaux and J. T. Milik, Qumrân Grotte
    4, I I (Oxford, 1977), 80 - 85; Y.  B. Cohn, Tangled Up in Text: Tefillin and the
    Ancient World (Providence, RI, 2008), 55 - 79, 93 - 8; Sabbath: Exod 16:23; 31:
    12 - 17; 20: 8 - 10. 19. Lev 20:22, 23; 25: 3 - 4 (land to rest); Gen 12:7 (land prom-
    ised to Abraham); covenant with Abraham: Gen 15:1, 5, 7, 18. 20. Holy land:
    Zech 2:12; Deut 11:12 (RSV); Gen 12:5 (Land of Canaan); boundaries of land:
    Gen 15:18; 2 Sam 24:2; Num 34: 3 - 12. 21. On languages: Gen 1:5, 8, 10 (Heb-
    rew); Dan 2: 4 - 7:28 (Aramaic); on the status of the Hebrew language in Second
    Temple Judaism, see S. Schwartz, ‘Language, Power and Identity in Ancient Pal-
    estine’, Past and Present 148 (1995), 3 - 47. 22. Festivals: Lev 23:40; Deut 12:12;
    16:11; Day of Atonement; Lev 23: 26 - 8; Ezek 33:11 (atonement in general); Exod
    34:7 (sins of the fathers); Dan 12:2 (punishment after death); Lev 16:21 (confes-
    sion). 23. Atonement rituals: Deut 21: 1 - 8 (unresolved murder); individual
    repentance: Ps 130: 3 - 4; Ps 51:17. 24. Isa 2: 3 - 4; Gen 9:10; Joel 1: 2 - 12; 2: 31 -

    1. Ps 6:6 (Sheol); Jer 1:4.

Chapter 5: Jews in a Graeco- Roman World

  1. 2 Macc 4:9. Contrasting explanations of the origins of the revolt of the Mac-
    cabees in V. A. T cherikover, Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews (Philadelphia,
    1959); E.  Bickerman, The God of the Maccabees: Studies on the Meaning and
    Origin of the Maccabean Revolt (Leiden, 1979); D. Gera, Judaea and Mediterra‑
    nean Politics, 219 ‑ 161 bce (Leiden, 1998). 2. 2 Macc 4:24. 3. 1 Macc 1:
    20 - 23. 4. 2 Macc 5:15; Dan 11: 29 - 31. 5. 1 Macc 1: 41 - 3; Jos. AJ 12. 257 - 64
    (Samaritans). 6. 2 Macc 6:7, 10. 7. 1 Macc 2:44. 8. 1 Macc 4:52, 56, 59. 9.
    Discussion of these political issues in J. Sievers, The Hasmoneans and their Sup‑
    porters: From Mattathias to the Death of John Hyrcanus I (Atlanta, 1990). 10.
    Hints: Jos. AJ 12.414, 434; explicit statement: Jos. AJ 20.237. 11. 1 Macc 10:
    18 - 21 (letter); 1 Macc 14:28 (assembly); declaration: 1 Macc 14:35, 41; tablets:
    1 Macc 14: 48 - 9. 12. Jos. AJ 13. 257 - 8 (Idumaeans). 13. On the coins of John
    Hyrcanus, see Y. Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (Jerusalem, 2001); Aris-
    tobulus: Jos. AJ 13.301; Ituraeans: Jos. AJ 13.319 (citing Strabo); appointment

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