A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1


List of Maps ix

List of Illustrations x

Acknowledgements xiv

Note xvi

Glossary xvii

Introduction: Approaching the History of Judaism xxi

Part I
Origins (c. 2000 bce– 70 ce)

  1. Deserts, Tribes and Empires 7

  2. The Formation of the Bible 26

  3. Worship 39

Temple 39

Synagogue 60

  1. The Torah of Moses: Judaism in the Bible 71

Part II
Interpreting the Torah (200 bce– 70 ce )

  1. Jews in a Graeco- Roman World 91

  2. ‘Jewish Doctrine Takes Three Forms’ 110

Pharisees 114

Sadducees 122

Essenes and Therapeutae 128

The ‘Fourth Philosophy’ 139

Zealots 142

The Yahad in the Dead Sea Scrolls 146

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