A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

notes to pp. 122–38 547

People in the Age of Jesus Christ, 3 vols. (Edinburgh, 1973– 86), 1: 222 - 4; b. Ber.
48a. 18. J. M. Lieu, ‘Epiphanius on the Scribes and Pharisees’, JThS 39 (1988),
509 - 24. 19. Josephus on Sadducees: Jos. BJ 2.166; AJ 18.17; 20.199; 13.298;
for the standard picture of the Sadducees, see Schürer, History, 2: 404– 14; revi-
sionist view in M.  Goodman, ‘The Place of the Sadducees in First- Century
Judaism’, in idem, Judaism in the Roman World, 123 - 35. 20. On the name ‘Sad-
ducee’, see Goodman, ‘The Place of the Sadducees’, 125 - 6; earlier reference: Jos.
AJ 13.171. 21. Ananus: Jos. BJ 2.197; AJ 20. 197- 203. 22. Jos. Vit. 10 (Jose-
phus as Sadducee); Jos. AJ 13. 291 - 6 (John Hyrcanus); Ananus: Jos. BJ 2. 562 - 3
(in 66); Jos. BJ 4. 319 - 21 (eulogy after death). 23. Life after death and angels:
Acts 23:8; Jos. BJ 2.165; Acts 23:8 may refer only to angels in the resurrection,
cf. D. Daube, ‘On Acts 23: Sadducees and Angels’, JBL 109 (1990), 493 - 7; unbro-
ken stream of liquid: m. Yad 4:7; red heifer: m. Pa r. 3:7. 24. Jos. AJ 13.292
(written regulations only); omer : Lev 23: 15 - 16; m. Men. 10:3 (on Boethusi-
ans). 25. J. Barr, Fundamentalism, 2nd edn (London, 1981). 26. Jos. BJ
2.165. 27. Jos. AJ 13.173 (Sadducees); Jos. AJ 10. 277 - 8 (Epicureans). 28. Jos.
AJ 13.298 (no following); Jos. AJ 18.17 (nothing achieved). 29. Jos. AJ 18.17;
AJ 13.298; Rabban Gamaliel: m. Erub. 6:7; Simon b. Gamaliel and Ananus: Jos.
Vit. 193. 30. Sadducees as disputatious: Jos. AJ 18.16; BJ 2.166; political
group: BJ 1. 288 - 98; Boethus: AJ 15. 320 - 22; on Sadducees and priests, see J. Le
Moyne, Les Sadducéens (Paris, 1972); Acts 4:1; 5:17. 31. M. Goodman, ‘Sad-
ducees and Essenes after 70’, in idem, Judaism in the Roman World, 153 - 62.

  1. Philo, Quod Omn 88, 81; Jos. AJ 15. 371 - 9 (Pythagoreans); Pliny HN 5.73.2;
    Synesius, Dio 3.2. 33. Philo, Quod Omn 82; Jos. BJ 1.78; AJ 13.311; Hegesip-
    pus, ap. Eusebius, Hist. eccl. 4.22.7; Philo, Quod Omn 75 (related to hosiotes );
    Philo, Quod Omn 91 (gloss of hosioi ); Semitic etymologies: G.  Vermes, ‘The
    Etymology of “Essenes” ’, RQ 2 (1960), 427 - 43. 34. Philo, Hypo 12; Quod
    Omn 79; Jos. AJ 18.21. 35. Philo, Quod Omn 75; Jos. AJ 18.20. 36. Jos. AJ
    15.371 (reference to the description in the Jewish War ); Jos. BJ 2. 119 - 22, 124 - 7
    (trans. Mason). 37. Jos. BJ 2. 128 - 33; 137 - 9; 141;145-6;143-4 (trans. Mason). 38.
    Jos. BJ 2.128; 136; 147; 123 (avoidance of oil); 159 (toilet habits). 39. Judas the
    Essene: Jos. BJ 1.78; AJ 13. 311 - 15; Manaemus: Jos. AJ 15. 373 - 9. 40. Jos. BJ
    2.160; Philo, Hypo 14 - 17; Pliny, HN 5.73. 41. Philo, Quod Omn 82; immortality
    of soul: Jos. BJ 2. 154 - 5, 156 - 8; fate: Jos. AJ 13.172; 18.18. 42. Four thousand:
    Philo, Quod Omn 75; Jos. AJ 18.20; Dead Sea community: Pliny, HN 5.70; Dio, ap.
    Synesius, Dio 3.2; widespread: Philo, Hypo 1; Philo, Quod Omn 76; Jos. BJ 2.124,
    125 (journeys); 5.145 (gate of the Essenes). 43. On Essenes and Temple, compare
    the Greek and Latin versions of Jos. AJ 18.19, with discussion in J. M. Baumgarten,
    ‘The Essenes and the Temple’, in idem, Studies in Qumran Law (Leiden, 1977), 57 -
    74; A. I. Baumgarten, ‘Josephus on Essene Sacrifice’, JJS 45 (1994), 169 - 83; Philo on
    Essenes and sacrifice: Philo, Quod Omn 75, with discussion in J.  E. Taylor, The
    Essenes, the Scrolls and the Dead Sea (Oxford, 2015), 30. 44. Philo, Vita Cont 2.
    22 - 4, 27 - 8, 29. 45. Philo, Vita Cont 35 (‘live upon air’); 37 (diet); 65 (Shavuot); 66
    (hands outstretched); 75 (banquet); 78 (allegories); 83 - 5, 88 - 9 (hymns). 46. Jos. BJ
    2.161 (Essene women); Philo on women generally: Philo, Hypo 14; women among

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