A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

notes to pp. 188–201 551

Christ: The Origins of the New Testament Images of Christ, 2nd edn (New
Haven, 2000). 45. Mark 16:5, 7 (young man in white robe); Acts 2: 29 - 36
(Peter’s speech at Shavuot); Acts 2:5 (international pilgrims). 46. Stephen: Acts
7: 57 - 8, 2 - 56; 8:1 (general persecution); 21: 27 - 30 (Christians preaching in Tem-
ple); Jos. AJ 20.200 (James, brother of Jesus); Jos. BJ 6. 300- 309 (Jesus b.
Ananias); see below, Chapter 8. 47. Phil 3: 4 - 6; Rom 11:1; 1 Cor 11: 21 - 2, 24;
E.  P. Sanders, Paul, the Law and the Jewish People (Philadelphia, 1983), 192
(punishment implies inclusion); on Tiberius Julius Alexander: Jos. AJ 20.100. 48.
Acts 22: 24 - 9; on disputes about Acts as a historical source, see M. Hengel, Acts
and the History of Earliest Christianity (Philadelphia, 1979). 49. Acts 22:3 (‘sat
at feet of Gamaliel’); Gal 1:14 (‘advanced in Judaism’); J.  Norton (on biblical
texts in Paul); persecutor of Christians: 1 Cor 15:9; Gal 1:13; Acts 9: 1 - 2 (author-
ity from High Priest); 1 Cor 9:1 (vision of ‘Jesus, our Lord’). 50. Acts 9: 3 - 9, cf.
22: 15 - 16; 26: 4 - 15; 2 Cor 12: 2 - 4. 51. Gal 1:16 (proclaiming Jesus among the
gentiles); on Paul’s mission, see E. P. Sanders, Paul (Oxford, 1991); 1 Cor 9:20 (‘as
a Jew to Jews’); Gal 2: 21 - 2. 52. Acts 15: 9 - 21 (meeting in Jerusalem); 21: 23 - 6
(Paul describing himself as Pharisee); Rom 9: 3 - 5; 11:25, 28 - 9 (‘all Israel will be
saved’); Gal 2: 15 - 16 (faith needed for salvation); Gal 2: 11 - 14; law is good for
Jews: Rom 7:12; 3: 30 - 31. 53. Phil 2: 5 - 11; on Christ worship and mediator fig-
ures, see L. Hurtado, One God, One Lord: Early Christian Devotion and Ancient
Jewish Monotheism, 3rd edn (London, 2015); W.  Horbury, Jewish Messianism
and the Cult of Christ (London, 1998); 1 Cor 15:3 (death of Jesus as a sacrifice);
Gal 4: 4 - 5 (‘adoption as children’); Rom 6:3 (‘baptized into Christ’); Rom 12:5
(‘one body in Christ’); on ‘putting on’ Christ, see Gal 3: 26 - 7; 1 Cor 8: 5 - 6 (‘one
God ... and one Lord’). 54. Silversmiths in Ephesus: Acts 19: 23 - 41; see
M. Goodman, ‘The Persecution of Paul by Diaspora Jews’, in idem, Judaism in
the Roman World (Leiden, 2009), 145 - 52. 55. Isa 60: 8 - 12 (on last days); Gal
2:7 (‘gospel for the uncircumcised’); 2 Cor 3: 13 - 14. 56. On evidence for Jewish
Christians, see A.  F.  J.  Klijn and G.  J. Reinink, Patristic Evidence for Jewish‑
Christian Sects (Leiden, 1973); for problems in interpretation of this evidence, see
M. S. Taylor, Anti‑ Judaism and Early Christian Identity: A Critique of the Schol‑
arly Consensus (Leiden, 1995). 57. On the history of ‘Jews for Jesus’, see D. H.
Stern, Messianic Judaism: A Modern Movement with an Ancient Past (Jerusalem,
2007). 58. On the parting of the ways, see M. Goodman, ‘Modeling the “Part-
ing of the Ways” ’, in idem, Judaism in the Roman World, 175 - 85.

Chapter 8: Preoccupations and Expectations

  1. Ps 51:9; Isa 4:4; unbroken stream of liquid: MMT, 11. 55 - 8; m. Yad 4:7. On the
    significance of purity and pollution language in this period, see J.  Klawans,
    Impurity and Sin in Ancient Judaism (New York, 2000). 2. Lev 11: 44 - 5; Jub.
    22:17; 30:10; gentile oil: Jos. Vit. 74 - 6; M.  Goodman, ‘Kosher Olive Oil in
    Antiquity’, in idem, Judaism in the Roman World (Leiden, 2007), 187- 203; on
    milk and meat: Exod 23:19; 34:24; Deut 14:21; m. Hull. 8:1; Philo, Virt 144;

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