A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

552 notes to pp. 201–18

D. Kraemer, Jewish Eating and Identity through the Ages (New York, 2007), 35 -
7, 50 (on the taboo as rabbinic); IQS 5.13; Jos. BJ 2.149 (Essenes); Matt 23:26
(Pharisees). 3. On ritual baths (mikvaot ), see R.  Reich, ‘The Hot Bath- house
Balneum, the Miqweh and the Jewish Community in the Second Temple Period’,
JJS 39 (1998), 102 - 7; Jos. BJ 2.129 (Essenes); M. Simon, Jewish Sects at the Time
of Jesus, trans. J. H. Farley (Philadelphia, 1967) (Hemerobaptists); Jos. AJ 18.117
(John the Baptist). 4. Jos. AJ 16. 168 (privilege not to appear in court on a Sab-
bath); Philo, Migr 89 - 93 (extreme allegorists); Jos. BJ 2.147 (Essenes); Sabbath
journey: m. Shab. 23:4; m. Erub. 4:3; cordoned- off space and Sadducees: m.
Erub. 6:2; Maccabees on Sabbath: 1 Macc 1:43; 2: 35 - 8, 40 - 41. 5. Jos. AJ
14.63; Asinaeus: Jos. AJ 18.322, 233. 6. Sabbath in Jubilees: Jub. 2: 17 - 32; 50:
6 - 13; on the calendar in Jubilees, see L.  Ravid, ‘The Book of Jubilees and its
Calendar –  A Reexamination’, Dead Sea Discoveries 10 (2003), 371 - 94; S. Stern,
Calendar and Community: A History of the Jewish Calendar, 2nd Century bce–
10th Century ce (Oxford, 2001); 1 En. 72: 2 - 3; 4Q 208 - 11; J. Ben Dov, Qumran
Calendar (Leiden, 2008); lunar time reckoning: Ben Sira 43:7; m. R.Sh. 2:8.

  1. False swearing: Exod 20:7; sacrifice for failing to keep oath: Lev 5: 4 - 13; Num
    30: 3 - 5 (oaths by wife or daughter); Ben Sira 23: 9 - 11; avoidance of oaths: Philo,
    Spec Leg II. 1 - 38; Dec 82 - 95; Jos. BJ 2.135, 139 - 42 (initiation oath of Essenes);
    Jesus on oaths: Matt 5: 33 - 7; 23: 16 - 21 (attack on Pharisees). 8. Jos. Vit. 11;
    John the Baptist: Mark 1:6; Luke 7:33; Matt 11: 18 - 19. 9. Tac. Hist. 5.4.3; Jos.
    Ap. 2.282; m. Taan. 2:6. 10. m. Taan. 3:8 (Honi); on Judith: Judith 8:6, 8; 13:
    6 - 20; on Esther and Susanna, see A.  Brenner, ed., A Feminist Companion to
    Esther, Judith and Susanna (Sheffield, 1995). 11. Ezek 13: 18 - 20; Exod 22:18;
    Hanina b. Dosa: b. Ber. 34b, cf. m. Ber. 5:5; m. Sot. 9:15; Ps. Philo, L.A.B 34
    (Aod); Jos. AJ 8. 45 - 9 (Solomon); Acts 19: 11 - 20. 12. Bible on demons: Deut
    32:17; 1 Sam 16:23; 18:10; 1 En. 10:15; 15:19; 1QM 1: 13 - 14; Jub. 1:20; 15:33
    (Mastema); Jub. 10: 1 - 5. 13. Jos. BJ 6:310; 2.163 (Sadducees); m. Ab. 3:16.

  2. 4Q405, frag. 20, col. 2 to frags. 21 - 2, lines 7 - 9. 15. 1QM, col. 17, lines 6 - 8
    (angels in eschatological battle); angelic hierarchies: Jub. 2: 17 - 18; 3 Macc 6: 16 -
    21 (elephants); Wis. 7: 24 - 6; 8: 1 - 4 (personified wisdom). 16. Apocalypse of
    Abraham 10:4; Dan 10: 1 - 2, 4 - 9; 10:3 (preparation for vision); Rev 1: 10 - 16.

  3. Jos. Ap. 1.41; t. Sot. 13:2; Jos. BJ 6.301 (Jesus son of Ananias); Jos. BJ 3.352
    (Josephus as prophet): BJ 6.285 (pseudo- prophet); Luke 4:24. 18. Testament of
    Abraham A. 11 - 13; J. J. Collins, Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls (London
    and New York, 1997); Philo on the end time: Philo, Praem 164 - 5, 169; Ps. Sol
    17.4, 26. 19. Theudas: Jos. AJ 20. 97 - 8; Acts 5: 36 - 9; the Egyptian: Jos. AJ
    20.170. 20. Jos. BJ 6.312 (‘ambiguous oracle’); 6.313 (Vespasian); 3. 400- 402
    (on Josephus’ prophecy); Jos. AJ 18.64 (on Christians). 21. 1QM, col. 16, line
    11– col. 17, line 9. 22. Elijah: Mal 3: 23 - 4 (Heb.); 4: 5 - 6 (Engl.); the Prophet: 1QS,
    col. 9, lines 9 - 11; Deut 18:15; Elijah and prophet: John 1: 20 - 21. 23. Ps. Sol 17:
    41 - 2 (earthly king); supernatural Messiah: 1 En. 48:3; 49: 2 - 4; 1QS 9:10 (messiahs
    in Dead Sea scrolls); Jos. BJ 7.29 (Simon son of Gioras); 1 Cor 1:1. 24. 1 En.
    22:2, 11; 2 Macc 7:23; Jub. 23:31; Dan 12:3; Wis 9:15; 15:8. 25. P. van der
    Horst, Ancient Jewish Epitaphs (Kampen, 1991); disputes on life after death: Jos.

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