A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

notes to pp. 218–39 553

BJ 2.154, 156, 163, 166; Matt 22:28; Acts 23:6. 26. J. E. Wright, The Early His‑
tory of Heaven (New York, 1999); Luke 23:43; Garden of Eden: Test. Abrahami
20:14. 27. Jos. Ap. 2.218, 219, 232 - 3; 1.43. 28. 2 Macc 7: 1 - 5. 29. W. H. C.
Frend, Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church: A Study of a Conflict
from the Maccabees to Donatus (Oxford, 1965); on binding of Isaac: Jos. AJ 1.
227 - 31, 232; see G. Vermes, ‘Redemption and Genesis xxii –  The Binding of Isaac
and the Sacrifice of Jesus’, in idem, Scripture and Tradition: Haggadic Studies, 2nd
edn (Leiden, 1973), 193- 227. 30. Jos. BJ 2. 195 - 7.

Chapter 9: From Pagan Rome to Islam and
Medieval Christendom

  1. M. Goodman, Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations (Lon-
    don, 2007), 445 - 63; M.  Goodman, ‘The Roman State and Jewish Diaspora
    Communities in the Antonine Age’, in Y. Furstenberg, ed., Jewish and Christian
    Communal Identities in the Roman World (Leiden, 2016), 75 - 83. 2. Jos. AJ 10.
    203 - 10, on Dan 2: 31 - 45 (on Daniel prophecy); on Jewish hopes for retribution
    on Rome, see M. Hadas- Lebel, Jerusalem against Rome (Leuven, 2006). 3. For
    the history of this period, see S. Schwartz, Imperialism and Jewish Society: 200
    b.c.e. to 640 c.e. (Princeton, 2001). 4. On Byzantine Jewry, see R. Bonfil et
    al., eds., Jews in Byzantium: Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures (Lei-
    den, 2012). 5. On the Khazars, see D.  M. Dunlop, The History of the Jewish
    Khazars (Princeton, 1954); on Benjamin of Tudela, see N. M. Adler, The Itinerary
    of Benjamin of Tudela: Critical Text, Translation and Commentary (London,
    1907). 6. J. Neusner, A History of the Jews of Babylonia, vol. 2 (Leiden, 1966),
    p. 18 (Kartir inscription). 7. For the history of Jews in Iraq in the early Islamic
    centuries, see N. Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands: A History and Source Book
    (Philadelphia, 1979). 8. On Meshulam of Volterra, see A. Yaari, Masa’ Meshu‑
    lam mi Volterah beErets Yisrael (Jerusalem, 1948). 9. On the mass conversion
    in Minorca, see S. Bradbury, ed., Severus of Minorca: Letter on the Conversion of
    the Jews (Oxford, 1996). 10. On the history of Jews in medieval Spain, see
    Y. Baer, A History of the Jews in Christian Spain, 2nd edn, 2 vols. (Philadelphia,
    1992). 11. C. Th. 16.8.3 (Jews in Cologne); on Jews in the Crusades, see
    R.  Chazan, In the Year 1096: The First Crusade and the Jews (Philadelphia,
    1996). 12. On the blood libel, see Y. Yuval, Two Nations in your Womb: Per‑
    ceptions of Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages (Berkeley, 2006), 135- 203;
    E. M. Rose, The Murder of William of Norwich (New York, 2015); on the Jews
    of medieval England, see P. Skinner, ed., The Jews in Medieval Britain: Historical,
    Literary, and Archaeological Perspectives (Woodbridge, 2003). 13. On Yemen:
    L.  Y. Tobi, The Jews of Yemen: Studies in their History and Culture (Leiden,
    1999); on India, see N.  Katz, Who are the Jews of India? (Berkeley, 2000); on
    China, see J. D. Paper, The Theology of the Chinese Jews, 1000 ‑ 1850 (Waterloo,
    Ont., 2012); on Ethiopia, see S.  Kaplan, The Beta Israel (Falasha) in Ethiopia:
    From Earliest Times to the Twentieth Century (New York and London,

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