A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

560 notes to pp. 305–15

(in B. Chiesa and W. Lockwood, Ya’qub al‑ Qirqisani on Jewish Sects and Chris‑
tianity (Frankfurt am Main, 1984), 156). 26. On the Ukbarites, see N. Schur,
The Karaite Encyclopaedia (Frankfurt am Main, 1995), 287; for Malik al- Ramli
and al- Kumisi, see D. Frank, ‘May Karaites Eat Chicken? Indeterminacy in Sec-
tarian Halakhic Exegesis’, in N. B. Dohrmann and D. Stern, eds., Jewish Biblical
Interpretation and Cultural Exchange: Comparative Exegesis in Context (Phila-
delphia, 2008), 124 - 38. 27. On the Karaites and Hanukkah, see Schur, The
Karaite Encyclopaedia, 126; for Karaite rules on Sabbath and dietary laws,
see Schur, History of the Karaites, 52 - 3; Basyatchi in Nemoy, Karaite Anthology,
250, 252. 28. On Karaites as missionary in the tenth century, see Schur, History
of the Karaites, 44 - 5. 29. I. Davidson, Saadia’s Polemic against Hiwi al‑ Balkhi
(New York, 1915), 43, 53. 30. J. Kraemer, Maimonides: The Life and Works of
One of Civilization’s Greatest Minds (New York, 2008), 274 - 5; on Karaite–
Rabbanite relations: Bodl. MsHeb. a.3.42, II.33, 35 - 7, in J. Olszowy- Schlanger,
Karaite Marriage: Documents from the Cairo Geniza (Leiden, 1998), 476 - 7, text
no. 56; Cambridge Genizah Taylor- Schechter T- S 20.45 recto (letter); M. Rustow,
Heresy and the Politics of the Community: The Jews of the Fatimid Caliphate
(Ithaca, NY, 2008), 239 - 65 (on close relations between Karaites and Rabbanites);
on Shemariah b. Elijah, see A. Arend, ed., Elef HaMagen (Jerusalem, 2000). 31.
On Karaism and Islam, see F. Astren, ‘Islamic Contexts of Medieval Karaism’, in
Polliack, ed., Karaite Judaism, 145 - 78. 32. On Firkovich, see T.  Harvianen,
‘Abraham Firkovich’, in Polliack, ed., Karaite Judaism, 875 - 92. 33. On Karaites
in nineteenth- century Russia, see P. Miller, ‘The Karaites of Czarist Russia, 1780-
1918’, in Polliack, ed., Karaite Judaism, 819 - 26; on Karaites during the Holocaust,
see Schur, History of the Karaites, 123 - 5; on Karaites in contemporary Israel, see
E. T. Semi, ‘From Egypt to Israel: The Birth of a Karaite ʿEdah in Israel’, in Polli-
ack, ed., Karaite Judaism, 431 - 50; on the demography of contemporary Karaite
settlement, see Schur, History of the Karaites, 148 - 50; al- Kumisi in Nemoy,
Karaite Anthology, 36.

Chapter 13: Rabbis in the West

  1. S. Schwarzfuchs, A Concise History of the Rabbinate (Oxford, 1993), 38 -

    1. M. Perani, Talmudic and Midrashic Fragments from the Italian Genizah
      (Florence, 2004), on the ‘Italian Genizah’; S. Emanuel, ‘The “European Genizah”
      and its Contribution to Jewish Studies’, Henoch 19.3 (1997), 313 - 40. 3. On
      Hananel b. Hushiel and Nissim b. Yaakov, see T. Fishman, Becoming the People
      of the Talmud (Philadelphia, 2011), 68 - 71; on Rashi and his influence, see
      A.  Grossman, Rashi (Oxford, 2012). 4. R. Brody, The Geonim of Babylonia
      and the Shaping of Medieval Jewish Culture (New Haven, 1998), 198; Sefer ha-
      Qabbalah 62 - 3 in G. D. Cohen, ed., A Critical Edition of the Book of Tradition
      (Sefer ha‑ Qabbalah) (London, 1967), 66 (on the Book of Tradition ); on Meir b.
      Baruch, see I. A. Agus, Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg (Philadelphia, 1947). 5. On

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