A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

576 notes to pp. 521–34

‘Judaism and the Modern Attitude to Homosexuality’, in Encyclopaedia Judaica
Year Book (Jerusalem, 1974); M.  Feinstein, Iggerot Moshe, Orach Hayyim,
vol. 4, no. 115 (New York, 1976); S. Greenberg, Wrestling with God and Men
(Madison, Wis., 2005); C.  Rapoport, Judaism and Homosexuality (London,
2005). 9. E. Dorff, ‘This is my Beloved, This is my Friend’: A Rabbinic Letter on
Intimate Relations (New York, 1996), 38 - 40; R. Alpert, Like Bread on the Seder
Plate: Jewish Lesbians and the Transformation of Tradition (New York, 1997);
M. Shokeid, A Gay Synagogue in New York (New York, 1995). 10. D. Schneer
and C.  Aviv, eds., Queer Jews (London, 2002); on Humanistic Judaism, see
S. Wine, Judaism beyond God (Hoboken, NJ, 1995), 217, 228; D. Cohn- Sherbok
et al., eds., A Life of Courage: Sherwin Wine and Humanistic Judaism (Farming-
ton Hills, Mich., 2003). 11. H.  A.  Wolfson, ‘Sermotta’, in idem, Religious
Philosophies: A Group of Essays (Cambridge, Mass., 1961), 270 - 71; B. Halpern,
The American Dream: A Zionist Analysis (New York, 1956), 144; Y.  Malkin,
What Do Secular Jews Believe? (Tel Aviv, 1998), 11 - 16.

Chapter 21: Waiting for the Messiah?

  1. On the Alliance Israélite Universelle, see M. Laskier, The Alliance Israélite Uni‑
    verselle and the Jewish Communities of Morocco, 1862– 1962 (Albany, NY,
    1983), and A. Rodrigue, French Jews, Turkish Jews: The Alliance Israélite Univer‑
    selle and the Politics of Jewish Schooling in Turkey, 1860 ‑ 1925 (Bloomington,
    Ind., 1990). 2. On messianic movements in Yemen in the nineteenth century, see
    B. Z. Eraqi Klorman, The Jews of Yemen in the Nineteenth Century: A Portrait of a
    Messianic Community (Leiden, 1993); for Yemenite Jews in the twentieth century,
    see H.  Lewis, After the Eagles Landed: The Yemenites of Israel (Boulder, Colo.,
    1989); T.  Parfitt, The Road to Redemption: The Jews of the Yemen, 1900 ‑ 1950
    (Leiden, 1996). 3. C. S. Liebman and Y. Yadgar, ‘Beyond the Religious–Secular
    Dichotomy: Masortim in Israel’, in Z. Gitelman, ed., Religion or Ethnicity? Jew‑
    ish Identities in Evolution (New Brunswick, 2009), 171-92. 4. T. Parfitt
    and E.  Semi, The Beta Israel in Ethiopia and Israel: Studies on the Ethiopian
    Jews (Richmond, Surrey, 1998); T. Parfitt and E. Trevisan Semi, Judaising Move‑
    ments (London, 2002); J.  E. Landing, Black Judaism: Story of an American
    Movement (Durham, NC, 2002); D.  H. Stern, Messianic Judaism: A Mod‑
    ern Movement with an Ancient Past (Jerusalem, 2007) (see above, Chapter 7).

  2. Deut 23:3; S.  Riskin, A Jewish Woman’s Right to Divorce (New York,
    2006). 6. D. Hartman, A Heart of Many Rooms (Woodstock, Vt, 2001).

  3. M.  H.  Danzger, Returning to Tradition (New Haven, 1989); L.  Davidman,
    Tradition in a Rootless World (Berkeley, 1991). 8. On the Temple Institute,
    see J.  Goldberg, ‘Jerusalem Endgames’, New York Times Magazine, 3 October

    1. N. Shragai, ‘ Present- day Sanhedrin’, Haaretz, 28 February 2007; Jos.
      AJ 10.210.

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