A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1


Aaron 9, 17, 52
Abba bar Aivu, Rav 270
Abbas I 374
Abbas II 374
Abbaye 270
Abd al-Malik 244
Abelard, Peter 336
Abraham 8–9, 20, 62–3, 212, 220
divine covenant with 81, 83, 175
Philo and Abraham’s migration
from Mesopotamia 175
Abraham, Hebrew names of Avraham
see entries at Avraham
Abraham, Apocalypse of 210
Abraham, Testament of 213, 218
abstinence 180, 205, 259–60, 349
Abu ʿIsa (born Yitzhak b. Yaakov, aka
Obadiah) 302
Abuhatzeira, Israel (Baba Sali) 529
Abulafia, Avraham 346–8, 350, 351,
352, 391
Abulafia, Meir ben Todros haLevi 336
academies 263, 264–5, 266–7,
270–73, 284, 312, 314, 316,
317, 326, 374, 391, 500, 507,
508, 512, 528, 533
in eastern Europe 385, 388–9,
413, 502–3
Hasidic 504
heads of see geonim
teaching methods 385–6
Acosta, Uriel 371–3

Acre 232
Acts of the Apostles 50, 60, 61, 68,
104, 107, 115, 127, 145, 183,
187–8, 190, 191, 194, 207–8,
215, 218
Adam 393
Adret, Shlomo ben Avraham (Rashba)
338, 347, 350
Adrianople 363, 403, 405
Aelia Capitolina 244
African Hebrew Israelites 529
Agag 10
Agrippa I 16, 21, 24, 48, 104, 106
Agrippa II 104, 123–4
Agudat Israel (Agudah) 485–6, 501,
505, 508
Aha’ of Shabha, Rav 263
Ahab 79
Aharon ben Moshe ben Asher 272
Ahasuerus 62
Ahimaaz ben Paltiel 300
Ain Dara temple 43
Aish haTorah 532
Akhenaten 28–9
Akiva (ben Yosef), Rabbi 209, 220,
258, 261
Aksum 233
Albigensian Crusade 344
Albo, Yosef 340
Alcimus 96
ALEPH (Alliance for Jewish Renewal)
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