A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 581

Arabic language 240
Arabic science 309
Arad temple 43
Aragon 339, 340, 364
kingdom of Castile and
230, 237
Arama, Yitzhak 341
Aramaic xxvii, 21, 34, 84, 273, 299,
targumim 34, 62–3, 218, 220, 249
Arcadius 285
archaeology 18–19
archangels 209, 213
Archelaus, ethnarch of Judaea 24,
103, 140
Argentina 435
Aristeas, Letter of 33, 44, 48
Aristobulus I 98, 133
Aristobulus II 99, 100, 101
Aristobulus III 97, 102
Aristobulus of Alexandria 177, 178
Aristotelianism 259, 328, 331, 332–3,
338–40, 349, 352
Aristotle 259, 327
Metaphysics 338–9
ark of the covenant 31, 51
Artapanus 64
Artaxerxes I 13, 23
Artemis 194
artificial insemination 450
arts and crafts 369–70
Ascalon 138
asceticism 204–6, 324, 348–9
abstinence 180, 205, 259–60, 349
Christian 344
fasting see fasting
of Hasidei Ashkenaz 343–4
and the Karaites 303
Sabbatian 410
Ashdod 310
Asher ben Yehiel (‘the Rosh’) 315–16,
317, 321, 322, 325, 380
Asher (tribe) 11
Asherah 43
Ashkelon 232

Ashkenazim 322, 326, 377, 378–9,
381, 444, 449, 455–6
chief rabbi 452, 453
Hasidei Ashkenaz 324, 343–4,
347, 350
memorial prayers 384
in the Netherlands 364, 412, 413
Pesach food restrictions 385
pilpul (teaching method) 385–8
in Poland 362, 364
yeshivah culture 528–9
Yiddish see Yiddish
Asia Minor 21, 56, 92, 108, 232, 300,
Asinaeus 21, 202
with Canaanites 22
in the diaspora 438, 441, 443–4,
446, 464, 472, 474, 476
Zionism as bulwark against 493
Assyrians 10, 12, 20, 23, 59, 91
Assyrian deportation of northern
tribes 12, 23
loyalty oaths 74
astrology 282, 283
atonement 84–5
Day of see Day of Atonement
(Yom Kippur)
Augustus (Octavian Caesar) 24, 92,
101, 102, 103
Australia 435
Av, fast of 253, 449
Averroes (ibn Rushd) 332, 339, 340
Avraham ben David (‘Rabad’) 325–6,
Avraham bar Hiyya 352
Avraham ben Natan of Lunel: Manhig
Olam/Sefer ha Manhig 322
Ayyubids 332, 334
Azerbaijan 438
Azriel ben Menahem 346

Baal Shem Tov see Eliezer, Israel ben
Baal worship 72, 79
baalei teshuvah (penitents) 532, 533
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