A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

582 index

Baba Sali (Israel Abuhatzeira) 529
Babylonia/Babylonians 12, 20, 21,
23, 91, 230, 240
Babylonian exile 12, 23
Babylonian Jewry 233–5, 283;
academies 284; informal
disciple circles 270
Code of Hammurabi 28
destruction of Jerusalem Temple
12, 23, 37, 44
religious myths 28
Babylonian Talmud xxvi, xxix, 33–4,
36, 61, 146, 247, 249, 250–51,
254, 255, 261, 262–4, 265, 268,
269–70, 277–8, 288, 311, 313,
323, 383, 460, 502
and Molcho 360
on ordination 375
printed 362, 377
Rashi’s commentary 319, 326;
additions to see tosafot/Tosafists
and Tosafists 386
Baeck, Leo 471, 477
Baghdad 235, 259, 270
Bahir, Sefer haBahir 344–5, 346, 352
Bahya ibn Pakuda 328–9, 348
Duties of the Heart 259–60,
Balfour Declaration 466, 486
Balkans 233, 300, 405
Balkhi, Hiwi al- 288, 307
Bannus 204–5
Christian 112, 194, 411, 448;
forced 236
Jewish 201
Bar Hebraeus 112
Bar Kokhba/Kosiba, Simon 231
Barnabas 188
Baruch of Arezzo 398–9, 400–401,
Baruch of Medzibozh 420
Baruchiah Russo 409, 410
Basel, Zionist Congresses 448, 468
Basil I 233

Basir, Joseph ben Abraham haKohen
haRo’eh al- 309
Basyatchi, Elijah ben Moses 306
Batanaea 234
bathing 233
ritual ablutions 80, 201, 250
ritual baths (mikvaot) 250, 312
Be’er Sheva 310
Beit She’an (Scythopolis) 92, 269
Belarus 438, 440
Belial 208
Belorussia 414, 418, 496, 504
Ben Gurion, David 452, 454, 513
Benamozegh, Eliyahu 463–4
Benjamin ben Moses al-Nahawandi
Benjamin of Tudela 233, 234
Benjamin (tribe) 11
Berab, Yaakov 375
Berbers 236
Almohad dynasty 236, 332, 334–5
Almoravid dynasty 332, 334
Berenice, princess 171
Bereshit Rabbah 180
Berkovits, Eliezer 490
Berlin 443
Congress of 444
Hochschule für des Wissenschaft
des Judentums 464, 466, 469,
470, 477, 491
Jewish National Committee 473
Neue Synagoge 450
Reform congregation under
Holdheim 460–61
Reformgemeinde 464
Bernard of Clairvaux 336
Bernays, Isaac 481
Beta Israel, Ethiopia 239, 451, 528,
Beth Jacob schools 486
Beth Sar Shalom 196
Beth Shearim 251
Bethel 11, 57
customs in Mishnah 283–4
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