A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 583

seven wedding blessings at
betrothal ceremony 300
Bevis Marks synagogue 369, 370
Bible, Hebrew see also specific books
allegorical readings see allegoriz-
ation of Torah
as amalgam of styles and genres
ascetic interpretations 303
and Babylonian myths 28
as basis of rabbinic Judaism xxvi
Bible Quiz 454
Bible study and Israeli national
identity 454
canon/corpus 36–7
commentaries 28, 63, 175–6, 180,
268, 306, 318; critical 463–4
see also biblical criticism;
Me’am Loez 377; Rashi 318,
copying of texts 31, 32 see also
and deutero-canonical texts 36 see
also Apocrypha
and evolutionary theories 439
formation 26–38
and halakhah see halakhah
Islamic claim of Jewish falsification
Jewish reverence for texts 31
Josephus’ treatment 17
modern biblical scholarship see
biblical criticism
Pentateuch see Pentateuch
poetry 35
printed 362
Prophets and Writings categoriz-
ation 36
public reading and teaching
60–64, 68
Qumran texts 27, 31, 33, 48, 82,
147, 155
rabbinic exegesis 62–4, 249–50;
allegorical see allegorization of
Torah; of amoraim 28;

anti-Christian 256–7; midrash
see midrashim; with PaRDeS
mnemonic 319; tannaitic 28,
53, 63, 124 see also Mishnah;
Tosefta; targumim 34, 62–3,
218, 220, 249
scriptural inspiration 30–31, 37
Tanakh acronym 36
and the Temple 34–5
theological emphases within the
corpus 37
and traditionalist theology 492
translations 32–4, 291, 458, 483
see also Septuagint
biblical criticism 21–2, 27, 439, 463,
feminist 517
bigamy 258
Birobidzhan 441
Black Hebrew Israelites 529
blood 80
libel 238
Bnei Akiva 506–7
Bnei Menashe 529
Boaz 77
Boethus 123
Boethusians 123, 127
Bohemia 322, 361
Bomberg, Daniel 362
book market 362–3
anthologies addressed to women
illustrations 369
Book of Tradition (Sefer haQabbalah)
Brahe, Tycho 395
Bratslav hasidim 420, 509
Brazil 363, 435
Breslau 444, 462
Jüdisch-Theologische Seminar
444, 464, 484, 491
Brest-Litovsk 385
Breuer, Isaac 486
Breuer, Salomon 485
Brisker method of talmudic study 487
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