A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

584 index

Britain and the United Kingdom 435,
436, 437 see also England
decriminalization of male homo-
sexual acts 520
Liberal Jews 520
Reform Judaism 464–5
Brodie, Israel 497
Brunswick 462
Assembly of Reform Rabbis 480
Reform synod 483
Brusciano 285
Buber, Martin 472, 473–4, 476, 516
Buber, Solomon 473
Rabbinical Seminary 465
synagogue 450
Buddhism 516
Buenos Aires, Seminario Rabínico
Latinoamericano 496
Bulan 233
Bund/Bundists 447
burial 250–51, 294, 296, 455
tomb veneration 323
Byzantine empire 230–31, 233
Karaites 309
Byzantium see Constantinople/

Caesar, Julius 92, 101, 171
Caesarea 102–3, 105, 266, 268, 269
Caiaphas 104, 185, 186
Cairo 235, 239, 310 see also Fustat
Karaite synagogue 272
local ‘Purims’ 323
Cairo Genizah 150, 239, 240, 264,
290, 291, 301, 308, 313, 335,
390, 491
calendars 202–3, 249
Qumran 154
Caligula, Gaius 104, 171, 180
Callinicum (modern Raqqa) 232
Calvin, John 370–71
Cambyses 13
Canaan 8, 22, 81 see also Israel, land
of; Judaea; Palestine

Abraham’s migration to 8, 20
division of 9, 10
holiness of the land 83–4
and the imprecise boundaries of
the promised land 84
and terminology xxvii
Canaanites 10
Canada 435, 436, 478
Candia, Crete 300
Cardoso, Abraham Miguel 408–9
Caribbean 374
Carlebach, Shlomo 516
Carolingians 237
Caspi, Yosef ben Abba Mari 338–9
catacombs 251, 294, 296
Cathars 344
Catherine the Great 309
cemeteries/graveyards 250–51, 455
catacombs 251, 294, 296
tomb veneration 323
censuses 84, 103, 112
Central Conference of American
Rabbis (CCAR) 468
Chaldaeans 8
Charlemagne 238
Charles V, emperor 359
Charleston, South Carolina 436
Chelebi, Raphael Joseph 406
childbirth 200, 250, 251, 377
China 239, 361, 438
Chmielnicki, Bogdan 364
Chmielnicki massacres 364, 385, 406
Chorin, Aaron 462, 464
asceticism 344
baptism see baptism
break from Judaism 197–8
breaking of church/state link 438
Catholic see Roman Catholicism
censoring of Jewish books 363
Christian humanists 365–6, 370
Christianization of Roman empire/
society 229–30, 296
conversion to Christianity see
conversion: to Christianity
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