A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

588 index

diaspora – cont.
in Russia see Russia
secularization of Jews in 437–8,
shifting demography during
Middle Ages 238–40
in Soviet Union see Soviet Union
in Spain see Spain
synagogues see synagogues: in the
and tithing 170
in Yemen see Yemen
dibbuk 397
Dio Cassius 232
Dionysus 71
Disraeli, Benjamin 445
divorce 530
Dominicans 237, 337, 370
Donin, Nicholas 337
Dönmeh 409–10, 411
Dorff, Elliot 520
Doukhobors 415
Dov Ber of Mezeritch, the Maggid
413–15, 418, 422, 424
dream interpretation 8, 282–3
dress/clothing 81
clerical dress 450–51, 461
men’s head covering 323, 463
Dreyfus, Alfred 443
Dubno Maggid (Yaakov ben Wolf
Kranz) 377
Dura-Europos synagogue 180, 246,
255, 293, 294
Duran, Shimon ben Tsemach 340
Dutch Republic 362

Ebionites 195–6
Ecbatana 12–13
Ecclesiastes 26, 29, 35, 36, 253
midrash 268
Ecclesiasticus (Ben Sira) 35–6, 144,
ecology 438
ecumenism 439
Eden 218

Edward I 238
Egidio da Viterbo 360
Egypt 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 23, 28–9
exodus from 9, 18, 22, 76, 85, 456
Jewish community 232, 239, 363;
Alexandrian 108, 177–8, 180,
232; Elephantine 19, 52, 57,
72; Karaites 309, 310
Leontopolis temple 58
Muslim Brotherhood 446
under Muslim control 230, 235,
Nag Hammadi 182
pharaohs see Pharaoh
Ptolemies see Ptolemies
religious and cultural influences in
biblical texts and Judaism 28–9
temples 40
wisdom teachings 35
worship 28–9
Ein Gedi 20, 231
Einhorn, David 466–7
Eisenstadt 385
Elche synagogue 297
Eldad 325
Eleazar 124
Eleazar ben Simon 144
Eleazar ben Yair 142, 145
Eleazar ben Yehudah of Worms 315,
Eleh Divrei haBrit 480
Elephantine Jews 19, 52, 57, 72
Elhanan ben Yaakov of London 344
Eliezer, Israel ben (Baal Shem Tov)
415–18, 422, 424
Eliezer, Rabbi 277–8
Elijah 79, 187, 281, 282, 348
as harbinger of Messiah 216, 252
Elijah ben Solomon Zalman see Vilna
Elimelech of Lizhansk 421
Elvira, Council of 236
emanations, divine see sefirot/divine
Emden, Yaakov 413
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